Saganite Cooperative (+Research and Development, -Espionage and Counterintelligence) - Dr Hamilton
Know Territories and Settlements: None
Known Influences: Collaborative Research
Known Facilities: Chrysanth Garden University, Gabriella School of Learning and the Phoenix Institute - in Darbuiks
Known Technologies: Black, Golf and Purple Chrysanth protocols, Basic Holography
Known Units: None
Born from the ashes of the Focht incident, a group of scientist who discovered the cure to the plague decided that they would be able to do so much more together than apart. In the halls of the Awegala's Hospital, the Saganite Cooperative was born. This particular polity, while initially non-territory based, does have a few pieces of real-estate of importance.
The most prominent ones are its universities: the Phoenix Institute in Darbuiks, Gabriella's school of learning in Than Hoa and the Chrysanth Garden university in Ranica.
As per their namesake, the majority of the polity follows the Saganite faith, as most think that it not only feed their spiritual needs, it also makes them good researcher as well. In their minds, seeing the potential of humanity while at the same time understanding that they're just a speck of dust in the immensity of the universe, that both fills the drive for ambition while pondering it with the wisdom of humility. That's the theory at least.
The Saganite Cooperative put a particular emphasis on the uses of flowers to convey emotions, intent, rewards and the like. The most prominent flower is the Chrysanthemum, generally shortened as Chrysanth in the Saganite language. They are given to people who have managed, not only to discover their true natural skills, but also made them bloom and uses them for the benefit of the Cooperative and the Federation at large.
Which leads to the other important part of the Cooperative: They believe each and every last human was born with either one or, more likely, several natural talents that are usable in a beneficial way for them and those around them. And this features heavily in their research programs. One of the ultimate goal of the Cooperative is to create what they call 'Eudemonia', a world were every single human manages to make their natural blooms. That is their vision of Paradise in the material universe.
The language most spoken is Anglic, and the Saganite Cooperative uses them for all their projects. That being said, the polity foster the uses of other languages and multi-linguists are treated with respect among the Saganite.
While they are their own polity, the Saganite Cooperative citizens heavily identifies themselves with the Nezem States, displaying symbols of the President's polity, cheering for the raiders during world cups and investing heavily in the city of Darbuiks, which they consider the cradle of their polity.
There are quite a few in the Saganite polity who are part of the 'Complex partnership arrangements' in the census of the Federation, especially those that live in Darbuiks. There are rumors that Clea Hamilton herself is sharing her housing with her 3 mates and their respective girlfriends.
Black, Gold and Purple Chrysanth protocols: This is the hallmark of the Saganite, each of these protocols focus on fostering talent in a particular area, in these cases: Military, Economics and Diplomatic.
Basic Holographic Technology: Saganite have begun working on that and though they can only do simple pictures right now, the technology promises great potential.
Saganite Culture
Saganite Technologies
Saganite Economics
Saganite Military
Last edited by Jhaelan, May 05 2018 21:34:10. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.