Past Turns
Turn 22
Private to GM: Inwards Perfection: Included is the offer for those that have recently immigrated from the Western Collective or elsewhere, for assistance in moving their other family members to Blackwatch if they are willing to undergo the normal immigration process and abide by the rules of Blackwatch.
The construction in Portus Julius is meant to serve as a blueprint for future build-outs, allowing further construction based off of it in various locations to take advantage of the design decisions and knowledge gained from the project.
Construction in Portus Julius will include clusters of 500 three and four-room villas with a maid room near the kitchen, grouped into five residential clusters, connected to an urban farm that runs the length of the city for 2,700 inhabitants, each villa's roofs contain solar panels in an unobtrusive manner that when looking at from any direction other than from the air are not visible and appear to be part of the roofing design. Each cluster is comprised of 90 Courtyard Villas, eight Garden Villas, and two Signature Villas.
Throughout the entire city, there will be solar shaded car parks provided. Each villa has two parking spaces shaded with solar panels plus additional spaces for communal electric buggies. The distance from the car parks to the villas ranges from 10 meters to 85 meters, which is the maximum walking distance from the Solar Car Park to the villas. The solar shaded car parks supply the electricity needed to power street lighting, electric vehicle charging stations, grey water treatment, and the urban farms.
The cities training center is meant to offer residents quality training for beginning to intermediate levels. The center covers all local training requirements of the citizens and provides additional classes for those that wish to pursue further training on their own time.
Also included in the location will be the Skyward Industries Headquarters, it shall be a positive energy building, with a lifespan of 100 years, and expected to produce 140 percent of its energy requirements, thus offsetting emissions during construction, operations and decommissioning. This building will be off-grid and provide an amphitheater for 700 people, as well as a spacious atrium for exhibitions.
The school in a 14,000m2 built-up area is intended to meet the standard for a world-class education that integrates sustainability in all of its forms, though high academic standards and innovative teaching practices. It shall continue with the Blackwatch tradition of teaching military arms and training as well. It shall have a capacity for 1,200 students, facilities that include a dedicated biodome, food technology labs, urban farming facilities, vertical farms, top of the line gym, technology-enabled classrooms, state of the art, modern labs and maker-spaces, research labs, food production labs, library and learning hubs, art and music labs, athletics complex with a swimming pool, large indoor multipurpose gym/auditorium, outdoor soccer field, courts and playgrounds, an indoor gymnasium, shared bike paths and jogging routes, as well as access to the training grounds, the junior innovation center and community center.
A 2,500m2 community center, A junior innovation center capable of accommodating 700 individuals, 500m2 water canal (utilizing grey water) with additional biofilters, 20,000 trees, a flourishing park that will run through the city, forming the community's central green spine, 11 biodome greenhouses running the length of the central green spine, with a total capacity of over 3,000m2 for urban farming, and waste management to recycle 100% of wastewater.
One hotel with architecture in a low-rise, the unobtrusive design which is meant to nestle within the cities lavish foliage, containing 170 35m2 rooms, the main gym facility, and a large park. All wastewater produced by the hotel is to be recycled, and all material waste will be sorted at the source and recycled to meet Blackwatch standards.
One 15,000m2 mixed-use area with individual rental possibilities that is intended to provide the cost of all maintenance and utilities for all residents, located near the entrance to the city. It is comprised of five low-rise blocs with shops, restaurants, cafes, offices, and apartments that range from studio to one and two bedrooms, all available for lease. The aim of the retail area is to provide sufficient services to the community to sustain the families whilst also providing destination facilities to encourage other residents in the area to utilize and thereby, securing an additional income for the community that will cover the cost of the maintenance and operations.
All material waste will be sorted at the source and recycled to meet our standards. The borders of the city will act as a defense against pollutants, as well as help ensure the resident's privacy from outside sources with a 10-meter-high buffer zone running along the periphery of the development consisting of 2,500 trees, scattered in multiple layers.
Additionally, there will be a 1,500m2 rehabilitation center and a 1,430m2 sports complex that will serve residents and visitors. These shall assist in maintaining the physical, mental and social well-being of those seen there. Treatment here will take a holistic approach.
Project Chiron: Development of training equipment that would upon impact of the training weapons cause paralyzation, simulated pain of injuries and other similar things useful for training. This is intended so that injured and killed personnel would not be able to contribute to the mission at full effectiveness. This should allow us to simulate battle more closely and prepare for issues that may arise under stress that would otherwise not be seen beforehand. Any overspend on the project is to put towards implementing the researched items into Eastmount.
Project Mercury: Ultra-modular building design with CREO operator considerations taking into account based upon the information sent by the Jacinto Combine. Capable of rearranging and changing the layout of a building or base as needed on the fly from modular parts. This will allow for assistance in training such as prepossessed to Jade Knightman, as well as fast and efficient repair and modification of structures to suit mission parameters and needs on the fly. The modular buildings are intended to be generally stronger than site-built construction due to each module being engineered to independently withstand the rigors of transportation and craning onto foundations multiple times as needed with better construction quality management in a centralized facility with stringent QA/QC programs with independent inspection and testing protocols. With much of the actual construction is done offsite, it should result in a removal of approximately 80% of the building construction activity at the building location, which should significantly reduce site disruption, vehicular traffic, and improve overall safety and security of the area. Any overspend on the project is to put towards implementing the researched items into Eastmount for enhanced training purposes, such as easily changeable facilities to conduct MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) and breaching/security of indoor facilities.
Outward Projection: Every man will go through training in Eastmount, to begin with, and then once they have finished will undertake joint training operations with the Stellar Imperium in their Guarda Base with an eye for integrating what they are learning with Blackwatch's baseline training. In anticipation for the training, a cadre of Eastmount trainers is sent to train beforehand, with an eye towards implementing improvements in Blackwatch's own training regime as well as to making the two separate training result in better for the trainees. Training cadre will accompany Rodrick's forces back to the Imperium to assist in the same manner as his are.
One Battalion of Gyvers is meant for Dallas, in addition, two Damache Blackwatch Scouts are tasked with actively assisting Dallas in dealing with the forces in the Western Collectives, they are labeled as contracted to Dallas Sval, and while they are to operate at his side and work with his units, they are to decline to follow any orders that are suicidal or the like. Alongside these men, Titus Alvey will accompany Dallas and guard his person with a hand-picked platoon and a half of men. The rest of the Gyvers are to take up residence in the modified DCC built in Portus Julius and benefit from the upkeep reduction that comes along with it.
The battalion that works with Dallas will be monitored, with an eye towards improvements that need to be made gathered from combat data for future use on other projects.
Turn 21
Private to GM: Utilization of the built ships to build a base in the area, as an expansion to the existing facility/town. Defensive Fletchett cannons x 3 (360m), Scraager Battery moved in (Prebuilt in other lines), Isagila SAM Battery moved in (Prebuilt in other lines), Mobile Radar moved in (Prebuilt in other lines), Blackwatch scouts x 3 moved in (Using existing units), the area is secured and supplied by the lifters and assualtcraft being utilized. Defensive structures are built in such a way that they can defend both from without, as well as within. While it is attempted to be kept low-key and from the prying eyes of others, if that is not possible it is still going to move forward at full pace. They will attempt to utilize the excuse that they are supplies being used to upgrade the massive amounts of troops that Blackwatch has for the reason supplies are being moved in the manner that they are, including those that are located throughout the Federation doing security work, such as those on the roadtrains, as well as those employed at the Veteran Hall's and private businesses. The structures are purposefully going to take on the brutalist regimented aesthetic that has begun to form in Blackwatch lands over the last several years. The newly minted fighter wings are to fly cover for the transports until they leave the atmosphere in Blackwatch lands, heading East out of the Federation as a whole, rotating in shifts so that they are always fresh and on high alert.
CREOLE instructors and have native Blackwatch workers instead of foreign workers utilized in the construction as suggested by Jade Knightman herself. These workers will then continue to be utilized in Blackwatch Construction afterwords. The instructors will be paid a bonus while they are being held under NDA and kept in the location. They are all to be volunteers.
Ruth Mendez will be kept under guard, alongside those that found and helped her, provided for and asked if she would be willing to provide genetic samples in hopes of understanding any differences that may be between her and the average man and woman. She is also offered a position in Blackwatch, if she is willing, as she has proven her resourcefulness and capabilities to be quite useful.
Those that begin to search the facility will be given the entire briefing that was given to the Council by those investigating the other Songline seed station, as well as information on Seihai traps and tactics that are employed by them.
Free access to the base is provided to Wraithguard Scientists should they desire it. Information is also provided on the location with the understanding that it is to be kept to Wraithguard command alone.
Outward Projection: Dallas is shown part of the training of the Blackwatch Imperial Scouts, mainly some of the brutal testings they undergo to ensure they are capable of performing as they should, and an offer made to train some of his men, a battalion of them next cycle and another the cycle afterwards, and equip them with Gyver Battlesuits, the capabilities of which are shown to him. And in return, He would provide Blackwatch exclusive rights to exploitation of resources in the Western Collectives, though Blackwatch would employ Western Collective citizens in the exploitation of the resources. Their wages would be the same as if they were working within Blackwatch, including the four day work week, provided healthcare and other benefits as if they were Blackwatch citizens while they perform the work. The roadtrains used to transport the resources would also bring in modern Federal items, including luxuries for use by the local populations, as well as what was needed to maintain the Gyver Battlesuits combat effectiveness.
Securing Eastern Passageway: This blueprint (Remodel Acero District Command Center with Seihai Blueprints (prototyping, using CREOLE, remotes, and GSEN)
With the extensive rebuilding and revitalization occurring in Buna City, Lieutenant General Parrish lobbies hard for the prototype DCC to be constructed there. Leveraging the long-proven operational efficiencies within Fort Mkombe and the warfighting expertise of the Seihai, the facility is the first amalgamation of different engineering and military worldviews. Concealed within a modest surface footprint, the subterranean facility consists of a Command Post, runways and Aircraft Hangers for three Wings, sufficient Barracks for a Brigade and supporting forces, and a Bunker suitable for a siege. Blueprint Available, for 500 million credits. No maintenance on units stationed here)
Turn 20
Private to GM: Outreach Program: With Blackwatch now having a legitimate reason to be operating at least on some levels in the Silver Republics (due to trade), we can finally reach out and contact the Team Scryer individuals that were protecting, working for or otherwise involved with those who left the strange message in Blackwatch lands. A single fireteam of Blackwatch Imperial Scouts will accompany the Roadtrains on their trip through the Silver Republics, they will utilize remotes to first scout the area and then move in to speak with the individuals once it is determined that it is not a trap. We will express interest in their message, and offer them a chance to come to Blackwatch, officially as immigrants or workers, and settle in a community there if they so wished it and otherwise open a dialogue and see what it is they we offering. Communication will be utilizing Encryption if the contacted party is capable of doing so.
Seihai Cache (ECI: Infiltration Tactics) +24
Dealing with the Union of Western Collectives: With Blackwatch having acquired Dallas Sval, the Capo of Siwa, second most powerful of the men in the Western Collective, and an apparent direct competitor to Joshua Sval, the first order of business is to learn about the Western Collective, their culture and way of doing things. As well as the current power structure and military forces fielded and the willingness of Dallas to accept a deal similar to the one that Joshua never even acknowledged. There will be a period of teaching included, that will help the man to understand the Blackwatch way, and to keep him from making a gaffe that will cost him or others their lives. An entire Peacekeeper division is deployed to guard/escort the man, with men constantly rotated so as to not have any chance of becoming attached. A platoon of Blackwatch Imperial Scouts is also assigned to the mission, acting as the elite backup for anything that might happen.
Turn 19
Blackwatch Day of Remembrance of the Long War: Blackwatch do not truly celebrate the Long War's end any more than any other campaign they have participated in, it isn't even the most deadly in Blackwatch memory, or even close to the top three. The fallen are added to the Book of the Fallen, which is available in every major installation in Blackwatch territory. With this being the first major campaign for a large number of the Federation, Blackwatch citizens offer support to those that need it, consoling them and offering them a day of friendship, inviting them into their homes and providing them with food and companionship in what may be their darkest day.
Private to GM: For returning home immediately, for the road trains, that is unless there is an Economic benefit to them completing their courses.
REDACTED Private to GM: In Exchange for providing the Stellar Imperium with Global Economics (Valued between 750-1000m) the Stellar Imperium is providing enhanced civilian gravionic tech (600m) and 200m in credits. We would like for this to be reflected (the increased market dominance for the vehicles) in the turn report, possibly as part of the the Expansion of Skyward Industries line item, regardless of how well or poorly it does.
Turn 18
Private to Narrator: When the Blackwatch Scouts move out, Fireteam Leader Alvey will be attached to them, in disguise, so as not to attract attention, he will be assisting in their attack on the Tengu. He is designated as a "High Value Asset" and is to be given priority on getting back if needed be. Otherwise, when the scouts engage the target at the Tengu, then he will only show himself at that time, though only through his actions and not through removing his disguise. Until then he will just be another solider.
This is to be done without informing anyone in the Federation, as they have objected to the inclusion of Alvey before.
Turn 17
Private to GM: Dredging all the use I can out of the Fisabee Incubator, looking for any lost information or overlooked items that would be of use to the scouts and their tactics, or that might even open up other avenues of research that we overlooked, etc.
Turn 16
275 m + 130 m [405 m](Federation) — (125 = 64+24+10+15+6+6) - Research and Development - ({Polity Aptitude + Federal Clinic Network combined with Awegala + addition of Comoryll Drugs/Medication targeted at PTSD recovery, Interaction with Martial Branch, Ethical Branch, ) Veteran's Affairs Association - Increased Funding - Continued funding towards establishing the VAA. Meant to help with the increased need of medical and veteran support structure of Blackwatch. This is aimed to make veterans lives better overall, not just their medical or mental ailments, to help them connect with each other and others who view them as valuable while providing a familiar setting to do so within. For those that are having issues, there is to be a VAA Hotline for any crisis they may have, whether it is related to a mental issue, or even simply something along the lines of loosing their job and housing. They are to help them get permanent housing, as well as employment, even outside of Blackwatch Territory if needed. Private to GM: The Core Values of this organization are as follows;
Perseverance is defined as the ability to exercise moral and physical strength to accomplish difficult tasks. A person possessing perseverance is dedicated, patient, determined and able to overcome pain, stress, fatigue and hardship.
Integrity means doing what is morally upright and proper at all times, even when no one is looking. Those who display integrity are truthful, fair, conscientious, respectful and trustworthy.
Courage is the mental and moral ability to overcome fear, make a decision and take action. A courageous person is confident, bold, resolute and adheres to the highest standards.
Commitment is the determination to put one’s duty before oneself. A committed person is disciplined, consistent and exercises good judgment.
Advocacy by identifying, fully considering, and appropriately advancing the interests of Veterans and other beneficiaries (orphans and the like)
360 m — (138 = 91+27+8+6+6) - Construction and Engineering - ({Polity Aptitude + Remote Augments + Interaction with Martial Branch + Ethical Branch})
Construction of two additional Veteran's Halls to help meet the increased need of the medical and veteran support structure of Blackwatch. The first shall be the Noah Mendez Hall, and the second shall be the Ludomir Mikolajczak (Crimeran) Hall in honor of the mentioned men and their contributions to Blackwatch Society and the whole of the Federation.
610 m — (68 = 19+21+3+5+6+8+6 ) — Continued Recruitment of New Military Forces and Integration of Impromptu Formed Forces( Polity Aptitude, Eastmount Enclave, Interaction, Crag, Joint Services Command)
34 x Border Police Brigades and 1 x Saenoori Shock Trooper Battalion. Activation of over 300,000 men in Brigades of Border Police to secure the border, provide early warning against any forces attempting to infiltrate the borders, stop smuggling, unauthorized access (whether illegal immigration, emigration, or other activities), keep out any other undesriables (missonaires, Seihai, and the like) and keep the Silver Republic members from crossing the border with out providing the information Private to GM: Just general information, dispostion of troops near their homes, leaders thoughts and whom they may be sympathetic towards, their living conditions, reason for fleeing and other such things that they are required to and putting them through the six week culture adaption program to get them used to the new land they will be living in, as well as assigning them to isolated areas (isolated from other Silver Republic members) for them to live in so that they can adapt to Blackwatch culture more easily Private to GM: This goes for any immigrants, regardless of origin. Integration and assimilation into Blackwatch Culture is a major thing that they push.. As well as an additional battalion of Shock Troopers meant to help round out the mobile strike force already formed, with the intention of providing an additional two more similar Battalions in the future.
With an interesting in bringing the impromptu units under their command and studying their tactics, unit make up and effectiveness, Blackwatch has sent a variety of specialists, including several commanders from Eastmount that were quite interested in the impromptu formation of the units due to their mixed origins as well as a group of interested Kavacha Hegemony advisories who are assisting in the integration and information gathering.
150 m — (N/A = N/A ) — Payment for services rendered (Saenoori)
150 m — (N/A = N/A ) — Payment for services rendered (ATC)
0 m — .3% Deposit to the Blackwatch Sovereign Wealth Fund
1495M = 1031M polity budget + 464M industrial base
Turn 15
200m — Private to GM: (195 = 94+27+15+8+12+5+10+8+8+8 ) — REDACTED — Private to GM: Build a Fusion Powersystem (based on Exodus Engineering techniques, in response to Offworld Colony Challenge, Team Helios, Kate Johnson, LEEW, Civic, BADI, remotes)
Construction of a FPIU with the express purpose of providing power to the fletchette cannons if they are cut off from traditional powersystems. Future use will be for weening off of dirty power, and eventually in colony powergrid once one is established. Once the war is over, information about this blueprint should be automatically given over to the council, though the actual blueprint will remain with Blackwatch hands
430m — (133 = 90+21+3+5+6+8 ) — Continued Recruitment of New Military Forces ( Polity Aptitude, Eastmount Enclave, Interaction, Crag)
Recruitment of 6 x Peacekeepers, 2 x Saenoori Shock Trooper Battalions, and 3 x Polity Divisions, Activation of several divisions worth of Blackwatch citizens. These men are to be deployed to help secure Eastwatch (Polity divisions) and to help take care of any issues Domestically in the Blackwatch area (Peacekeeprs). The Saenoori Shock Trooper Battalions will be taking their place as a mobile engagement force, engaging any breakthrough that happen on the frontlines or any forces that pop up behind the frontlines.
414m — Private to GM: (163 = 83+27+8+22+8+15 ) — REDACTED — Private to GM: Construction of defense Fletchette Cannons ( Polity Aptitude, using remotes, Utilization of Datavaults, in response to Offworld Colony Challenge, Seihai Artifacts)
Construction of a series of defensive Fletchette Cannons to guard critical infrastructure and provide safe areas with in Blackwatch territory centered on Eastmount. Utilizing Datavaults to provide historic examples of how similar cannons have worked together to best provide their cover, as well as avoid common mistakes in placement and utilization from the past (Half of the usual +45 bonus). This is also intended to provide an idea of how the defensive cannons could be utilized in the defense of a colony, and whether or not it is viable for such things or if other avenues of approach should be taken for defensive measures. Once the war is over, information about this blueprint should be automatically given over to the council, though the actual blueprint will remain with Blackwatch hands. Until then, this is to be kept a secret, even if it is an open one.
1044M = 776M polity budget + 268M industrial base
Turn 14
>400m — (127 = 35+27+8+8+30+4+15 REDACTED) — REDACTED Construction of Fusion power plant , Private to GM: Polity Aptitude, Offworld Challenge, Remotes (Utilization of my Manufactory to provide the bonus, Datavaults, Prototyping bonus, Basics of Exodus Engineering)
Prototyping, construction, and integration of a Fusion power plant into the national power grid. Intent is for future use of a ship's powerplant to be able to be utilized as a part of a colony's power-grid until future standalone plants can be constructed alongside natural colony growth. This type of plant may be useful for emergency power anywhere a ship could land, providing quick disaster relief from nearly any fusion powered ship
- 140 m - ( 62 = 19+21+3+5+8+6) - Raise Infantry Divisions (at Eastmount and The Crag, influencing Martial projects)
Recruit two Polity Divisions and two Peacekeeper Divisions, providing enhanced border and internal security.
200m — (128 = 48+27+8+30+15 ) — Private to GM: Recycling Center; Micheal B. Burns Center, named after a notable green activist in Blackwatch history (Polity Aptitude, Offworld Challenge, Reverse Engineering Utilization of knowledge of the ships own sorting and separation capabilities for recycling in flight, Basics of Exodus Engineering)
Intended to help ensure the self-sufficiency of Eastmount Enclave and surrounding areas by reducing the amount of waste by reusing all sources of metal, plastic and paper they can process. Intends to utilize a novelty method of single-stream processing, making prior to pick up separation of plastic, paper, and metal not needed as it will be done at the facility to make utilization of recycling centers easier on colonists. This method will utilize weight, magnets, and IR lasers to identify different materials
= 740m
Turn 13
101 m -- (51 = 24+5+8+14) - Planetary Warfare - ({Polity Aptitude + Eastmount Enclave + The Crag})
Recruit 2 divisions of Polity Infantry, this time only training half of the officers at the Crag and the rest of the divisions at Eastmount Enclave. They are to be assigned to guard the border. Private to GM: 60m
Retrain Two Division of Polity Infantry under the Rafiki Brotherhood model to Peacekeeper Divisions, these division will be placed with the Wraithguard Roadtrain to guard it and it's route when their training is complete. Private to GM: 16m
Assign Three divisions of Polity infantry to guard facility housing the Sniper Rifle if his agreement is accepted by the council, otherwise assign two of these divisions to guard the border, and assign the third as a secondary QRF ((Quick Reaction Force) force. Station three divisions along the border of the Seihai, and two Division as a QRF force behind the line of defense. Private to GM: 25m
Private to GM: If only two can be recruited, I'd like to get one peacekeeper division and one Polity Division rather than two of one or the other. If only one, the Peacekeeper division would be better.
255 m -- (134 = 24+3+10+15+45+29) - Research and Development - ({Polity Aptitude + Veteran bonus + Federal Clinic Network combined with Awegala + addition of Comoryll Drugs/Medication targeted at PTSD recovery + Historic Datavaults to see successful treatment for veterans that may be of use to us now. Private to GM:Unless completed this turn, will be finished with out the continued use of this. It is mainly to provide avenues of approach that worked, and to not head down the same paths of the previously failed approaches, IE save us some headache following doomed paths. Veteran's Affairs Association - Establishment - Continued funding towards establishing a set of blueprints for distribution to Polities at large that have interest in a similar organization. Private to GM: This may spread some of Blackwatch Culture, or at least some knowledge of it around the Federation where they are built, at least so much as a semi-military command structure and planned building layout can do.
300 m -- (65 = 27+8+30) - Construction and Engineering - ({Polity Aptitude + Remote Augments})
Construction of a Munitions Manufactory, and a Remote Controlled Drone Manufactory, Start sending Munitions back along road train to Wraithguard when completed. Private to GM: Focus is on the Munitions Manufactory if only one can be completed. Hoping to counter any issue with the economy by focusing on something that will be extremely relevant in the coming months/years that the Seihai conflict lasts.
= 656m
Turn 12
100 m 14 (14 = -68+21+3+8+45+5) - REDACTED Private to GM: Crag + Historical Data + Fisabee data
Private to GM: Draw upon Datavaults containing Rim Confederacy historic annals and Exodus Fleet logs. The information with in the Fisabee cache and utilizing the best of the best trained in the past cycle to create a prototype unit, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment.Secret.
200 m 154 (154 = 84+21+3+45) - Eastmount Enclave ({Historical data, Polity aptitude})
Drawing upon the Datavaults containing the Rim Confederacy historic annals, construct and staff a military base/school for training and housing of future Blackwatch military. Hopefully building upon the knowledge gained in the recruitment of previous divisions. Publicly celebrated if success, otherwise publicly acknowledge it needs continued work with promise of the continuing the work on it. Private to GM: This will provide a bonus to training future planetary warfare units and reduce cost of maintenance.
64 m 147 (147 = 72+24+45+6) - Veteran Affiars Establisment ({Clinics, Historical data})
Establish a Veterans Affairs organization - Continued investment
= 364m, 100%
Turn 11
300 m - (64 = 10+36+8) - {Planetary Warfare} ({Crag})
Raise 10 Polity Infantry Divisions Station them on the borders, with 4 being stationed in the most important cities/towns around their lands. Utilizing the Crag to train officers so that inter-polity and federation cooperative actions do not run into hitches, though with the understanding that they will undergo scrutiny from higher command due to the differences in overall doctrine and command style they likely learned (Blackwatch divisions in the absence of orders are to attack their last objective or what they on the ground consider to be the most important objective in the area).
29 m - (63 = 19+36+8+10) - {Planetary Warfare} ({Crag and Awegala + Federal Clincs})
Establish a Veterans Affairs organization - The intent is to set up the command structure, recruit and train the individuals for the task of running the program as well as directly helping those that are involved. Draw from Crag graduates and look to professionals of Awegala hospital and the Federal Clinics to assist in the training of the graduates for medical treatment.
25 m - (95 = 16+24+45+10) - {Research and Development} ({Rim Confederacy Historical Data from the Msafiri and Awegala + Federal Clinics})
Establish a Veterans Affairs organization - How best to implement the group into their current military structure, should they hold the same ranks and command ability as a Captain in a front-line unit? Do they need to? If not, do we need another separate rank system so as not to step on any toes? Draw upon the knowledge of federal medical professionals of our well established medical field to help with integrating our doctors and medical staff.