Blackwatch (-Espionage & Counter-Intelligence, +Planetary Warfare, +Construction and Engineering, + to Economy and Trade) - Blackwatch One
Blackwatch is a former Private Military Company that took control of The Albion Republic after being invited in by the owners and eventually asked to officially take control due to the effectiveness of their policies and general improvement in the quality of life that took place under their watch. Their work resulted in better living conditions for the people in the area, as well as entrance into the Federation and alliances with other Polities within the Federation. Perhaps what they are best known for is releasing full videos of any official operations that they have taken part into the public at large a mere two cycles after the operation has finished, allowing all to see the methods employed and that they are following their own code of ethics. All members that are working in an official capacity for Blackwatch are required to record all public official operations that they take part in, with no exceptions. They have an apparent dislike for most religious-based polities, and especially religious proselytizing, as they view them as Subversive groups, though they are willing to overlook it if similar interests lie at heart.
The area the Blackwatch administers is set in the eastern portion of the Federation, on the borders of the Seihai, with much of their terrain consisting of temperate grasslands, chaparral, and alpine forests - all at higher altitudes. They are currently based out of Eastmount Enclave, a military base in their western mountain lands, and have infantry units garrisoned throughout their territory. They currently import Small Arms from the Wraithguard and Kelp, Uniforms and other sundries from the Stellar Imperium, both of whom they have close ties with.
They call their own Mountainous area that they occupy the Whispering Peaks, this is due to the wind that blows much of the time, especially during the night being situated between the Kuru Vuoristo Mountains and the Penhyll Mountain.
Official Languages: Fluency in Rim-Swahili is required for government service after being accepted into the Federation, though it remains only to be used when dealing with others, it is actively taught as a secondary language requiring basic fluency to be achieved before graduating from secondary education. All forms are available in Rim-Swahili.
Anglic remains the primary language of not only those in the government but all citizens in Blackwatch territory. If one is conducting business with Blackwatch citizens, it is known that you are likely to have a better outcome if you speak Anglic fluently. All forms are available in Anglic.
There are a minority of Sino-Urdo speakers in Blackwatch, these are mainly the same Raksha Koan practicing minority. They are to a degree catered to, with most important forms being available in Sino-Urdo upon request.
Cultural Leaning/Theme: Militarism (Majority), Realism (Minority)
Official Faith: Atheism; religion is viewed as a tool of mind control.
Influential Minor Faiths: A version of Raksha Koan with less emphasis on castes, all other faiths are actively suppressed
Known Territories and Settlements: Eastmount, Northhall and Browning-Rook Enclave, the Whispering Peaks, between the Kuru Vuoristo Mountains and Penhyll Mountain
Known Influences: Veterans, the VAA, Gravatronics, Remotes, and the CETA with Wraithguard and Stellar Imperium
Known Facilities: Eastmount Enclave, together with a Munitions Manufactory (+), Recycling Center (++) a Remotes Manufactory (++) a Phones Manufactory (+), Three Veteran Halls in Eastmount, HQ, Noah Mendez Hall and the Ludomir Mikolajczak Hall, a Transport Hub, a Subterranean Hydroponics (++) and [Redacted]. Northhall; 2x Gravatronics Manufactory (+++), a Furniture Manufactory (+), a Clothing Manufactory (+), a Recycling Center (++), a Transport Hub, a Fusion Power Plant, and a Subterranean Hydroponics (++). Browning-Rook Enclave; A Grocery Manufactory (+), a Recycling Center (++), a Transport Hub, a Fusion Power Plant, and a Subterranean Hydroponics (++). Road trains moving to Stellar Imperium and Wraithguard as part of the CETA. Portus Julius; Defensive Fletchette Cannons, District Command Centre, a Desalination Plant ++, a Recycling Plant ++, a Subterranean Hydroponic Farm ++, a Transport Hub, a Remote Manufactory + and a Fusion Power Plant.
Known Technologies: None
Known Planetary Units: Ten Polity Infantry Divisions, Fourteen Peacekeeper Divisions, Five Saenoori Shock Trooper Battalions, Forty Border Police Brigades, Five Blackwatch Imperial Scouts Battalion, Three Beshete Mobile Headquarters Roadtrains, Five Krait SWAT Battalions, Five Python Cyber Warfare Battalions, and Four Ifrit Mechanised Brigades
Known Stellar Units: Two Niellä Lifter and Two Harrier Assaultcraft
Blackwatch Symbol Blackwatch Flag
Blackwatch Culture
Blackwatch Technologies
Blackwatch Economics
Blackwatch Military
Blackwatch Past Turn Actions
Last edited by Goldor, December 11 2018 11:33:14. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.