Scouting Targets: |
Often during the mission, scouting is required to gather intelligence, or identify objective targets. |
Scouting rolls are a Mental based roll. This roll is affected by Cross Train-Technician, to reflect the ability of the character to manipulate the available electronics to gather information.
TN = Mental Ability Base Roll +2 -{X-Technician Level}
Scouting rolls are declared, and may be made during the fire phase, but results are not revealed until the initiative phase.
Scout rolls are affected by Fire Modifiers (movement, heat, range, etc...)
Scouting ranges are 1/2/3, and have the typical range modifiers +0/+2/+4 applied to scout attempts.
Footnote: Remember that Buildings are large and non-moving giving scouts a bonus of -4 to scout them.
Beagle Probes in particular are effective at scouting.
A fully functional Beagle probe will quadruple the range that Scout checks are made.
The Beagle Probe may also be used to increase the number of scouting checks allowed.
A Partially active Beagle Probe will allow a second scout check.
A Fully active Beagle Probe will allow a third scout check.
{A -1 Penalty is applied to all checks, to reflect the difficulty of scanning multiple targets}