Mech Drops:
Offensive contracts usually start with the mercs dropping from space to deploy into, or near the zones of their initial operations.

Combat/Hot Drops ~ Usually drop the unit directly into the fray.  Into the heart of enemy territory relying on speed, chaos and surprise to carry the day.  These are the steps...

1)  The Merc picks a hex they would like to deploy on.  This hex needs to be at least 3 hexs away from any visible Op Force Units.

2)  Mechs are subjected to any counter drop defenses that may be present.  This might be Aero assets or ground defenses.

3)  Scatter Roll
The Merc makes a Pilot Skill Check, at a penalty of 6, for Scatter.
{There is a +2 bonus skill if the mech has any jump jets to help control their descent.}

If Mechwarrior just makes the Pilot skill check, they will land on target.  For each point that they fail the Scatter check, they will drift one hex away from the target hex, in what the Battle Master considers to be the most unfavorable direction (within reason).  {If they rolled 'doubles' they may drift on to unfavorable terrain (like a building that wont hold their weight...}

If the Mech Warrior is scattered off the map, they are considered disoriented and 'off map' on turn one.  Starting on turn two, during the initiative phase they may make a pilot check.  If successful, the mechwarrior has recovered enough to find their way back to the mission and contribute.  They appear on the edge of the map they had scattered off of, and may roll initiative and move normally on the turn they appear.

4)  Landing Roll
A Pilot Skill Check is made for landing.
{There is a +1 bonus skill if your mech has any jump jets to help control their landing.}

If this roll is successful, the mech takes damage equal to your scatter split between both legs.

If you roll is failed, the mech has fallen prone and starts the mission prone.  Resolve normal fall damage (1 level per point failed) to the mech and make another pilot skill check to determine if the Mech Warrior was injured in the fall.