Physical Options | Specialties |
Hazard Check ~ +1 bonus to pilot skills to avoid falling. | Evasive Movement ~ cost 15xp Evasive Movement equal to Running MP, and gains an additional Defensive Modifier. Evasive Movement generates 4 points of heat. A unit using Defensive unit may make no attack/scout rolls. A unit that is Prone losses all benefits of Evasive movement. Base Hazard Check tn 6+ ~> +0 Def Modifier Base Hazard Check tn 4+ ~> +1 Def Modifier Base Hazard Check tn 2+ ~> +2 Def Modifier Base Hazard Check tn 1- ~> +3 Def Modifier Roll with the Punches ~ cost 35xp Once per mission, when taking a critical hit, they may add or subtract one to the location of the critical they take. {Requires Evasive Movement} Steady as she goes ~ cost 10xp once per game the character may adjust a Pilot Skill check related to avoiding a fall, as if they had a point of Edge. Surefooted ~ cost 15xp The character may expend edge, and state that they are 'Surefooted'. The character automatically succeeds at making a Pilot check to avoid a fall. |
Mech Specialist ~ +1 bonus to pilot skills or, May increase the size of dice by one, for a single weight class of mechs.
| Born to fly ~ cost 15xp Reduce the heat generated from a jump by one for each point in Mech Specialist. (minimum of 3 heat) Shoot on the Fly ~ cost 35xp When the pilot jumps, they reduce the movement penalty to fire by one. {Requires Born to Fly} Sprinting ~ cost 15xp A mech with (2) working hip actuators may make use of Sprinting movement. A sprinting mech may not make any attack/scout rolls. A sprinting mech makes Pilot Skill Checks at penalty 2. Attacks against a sprinting mech receive a bonus of one. Sprinting = Double current walking/cruise MP and generates (3) Heat. Run and Gun ~ cost 35xp When the pilot runs and gains a +4 Defense modifier, they reduce the movement penalty to fire by one. {Requires Sprinting} |
Physical Combat +1 bonus to pilot skills during the Physical Combat Phase. | In your face ~ cost 15xp Once per mission the character may adjust dice rolls related to a Physical Attack, as if they had a point of Edge. Head Hunter ~ cost 15xp Select a Melee weapon, when using that melee weapon, reduce the penalty to use Punch Charts by 1. Armed and Dangerous ~ cost 35xp When using melee weapon, reduce the penalty to use Punch Charts by 2 {minimum of 0}. {Requires Head Hunter} Not the Face ~ cost 15xp +1 Def Modifier to avoid Physical attacks that use Punch Locations. Can't touch this ~ cost 35xp +1 Def Modifier to avoid all Physical attacks. {Requires Not the Face} |
Tactics +1 bonus to pilot skills, when rolling for Initiative. | Bodyguard ~ cost 10xp When you are within 4 hexes of them, your Unit commander gains +1 tactics (max 2) Got your back ~ cost 15xp When you are within 6 hexes of them, your Unit commander gains +1 tactics (max 2) {Requires Bodyguard} Tactical Hunch ~ cost 15xp once per game the character may adjust a die roll related to initiative, as if they had a point of Edge. Moment of Clarity ~ cost 35xp BEFORE the character rolls initiative, expend a point of edge, and state that your character has a moment of clarity. The Character automatically wins Initiative for that turn. {Requires Tactical Hunch} The lonely road ~ cost 15xp +1 bonus to character's tactics when they are not part of a Lance I work alone ~ cost 35xp +1 bonus to character's tactics when they are not part of a Lance |
Toughness For each level negate one penalty point from wounds. | Fast Healer ~ cost 10xp Heal one additinal lethal wounds allowed from medical care between missions. Iron Warrior ~ cost 15xp Heal double the lethal wounds allowed between missions. {Requires Fast Healer} |