Character OptionsSpecialties
The player may add or subtract one from any dice (2d6) roll made or,
elect to re-roll the dice (the second dice rolls must be used)
Born Lucky ~ cost 25xp
The character may expend edge, and state that they we're 'Born Lucky', and automatically succeed at making an Attack or Pilot roll.

Lucky Charm ~ cost 25xp
The character may expend edge for any character in their unit.
Damage Magnet
After a mission you may repair damage Armor.
For each level of Damage magnet you may repair,
16 af of Standard or 8 af of Ferro Fib.
Prepared for Worse ~ Cost 15xp
You can use Damage Magnet to repair Internal Damage.
For each 2 armor factors used in this manner, you may repair 1 point of Std. Internal damage.
For each 4 armor factors used in this manner, you may repair 1 point of Endo Internals

Quick Field Repairs ~ Cost 15xp
You can use Damage Magnet to repair Actuator Damage.
 8 armor factors will repair a Upper, Lower, Hand or Foot Actuator.
16 armor factors will repair a Shoulder or Hip Actuator.

Jury Rig ~ Cost 35xp
After a mission you may use Jury Rig Repairs once for free.
{Requires Prepared for Worse or Quick Field Repairs}
Trigger Happy
After a mission, for each level of Trigger Happy,
You may reload up to one ton of standard ammo.

(Divide by Repair Pool Modifier for Specialty Ammo.)
Arms Dealer ~ Cost 10xp
You may add your levels of Trigger happy when making availability rolls for Ammo.

Spare Ammo ~ Cost 15xp
Once per Contract, the character may make one additional availability roll for Ammo.
Well Equiped
For each Level of Well Equipped,
Add 25% to the characters Equipment Storage and
+1 bonus when making availability rolls.
Prepared ~ cost 15xp
Bonus 25% Equipment Storage is extended to all Character Storage

Pull a few strings ~ cost 15xp
Once per Contract, the character may pull a few strings to adjust an availability roll for themselves, as if they had a point of Edge.

Connected~ cost 35xp
Once per Contract, the character may make one additional availability roll for themselves.
{Requires Pull a few strings}
X-train Aero
Reduce training penalty by one for each level.
Bomber        ~ cost 25xp
VTOL Pilots may use make Carpet and Dive Bomb attacks.

Quick Change Artist ~ cost 25xp
May move and attack as outlined by the Compendium Rules .
{Campaign rules are that you may not move or attack for one turn while converting from one mode to another}

Shoot on the Fly    ~ cost 25xp
Reduce the movement penalty by one while flying (not jumping) in LAM mode.

Strafe              ~ cost 25xp
Pilots may use their energy weapons to strafe.
(LAMs may strafe only when FLYING in LAM mode)
Untapped Potential ~ Cost 25xpUntapped potential is not standard Option.
Rather, it an undecided Option, and used as a place holder for a future option selection.

This option may be converted to another standard option between missions.