If you have a military unit, you are going to need someone capable to lead it. For centuries, the ruling nobles have been the leaders. While not all of them are noble or even capable of leading there is no denying their social muscle in getting things done.
Options ~ (3) + Edge
Starting XP ~ 350 xp / {800xp max}
Starting CP ~ 3.2 Million CB
(3) Availability Rolls + (1) successful roll of 8+ for ammo and armor.
Advantage ~ May purchase Giving Orders (15xp) without Leadership
Limitation: This character needs to start the game with a Rank of (2)
Purchase Options
They may spend 10k cb to increase Mech Familiarity by (1), they may purchase this (7) times.
They may spend 50k cb to gain an extra Availability roll, for conventional support.
They may spend 50k cb to allow a one time bonus of +2 to one of their availability rolls, for conventional support.
If one of the pilots option slots is Leadership, they may spend 300k cb to to start the option at (1)
If one of the pilots option slots is Noble, they may spend 300k cb to to start the option at (1)
Recommended for Novice to Intermmediate Players
Last edited by Snowy, July 18 2015 10:36:32. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.