Accuracy OptionsSpecialties
Ballistic ~ +1 bonus with Ballistic Attacks or
May increase the size of dice by one and use Extreme Range Rules.
{Gauss Weapons, Autocannons (std./LBX/Ultra/Rapid/Light), and Machine Guns}
Clutch Shot ~ cost 15xp
once per game the character may adjust a die roll related to a Ballistic weapon that was just fired, as if they had a point of Edge.

Deadly Accuracy ~ cost 35xp
You when you use edge to adjust a roll related to Ballistics, you may add or subtract two, instead of one.
{Requires Clutch Shot}

Fire Discipline ~ cost 15xp
For all weapons that miss, roll 2d6 on a roll of 8+ the weapon does not expend ammo or generate heat.

Sure Shot ~ cost 35xp
For all weapons that miss, the weapon does not expend ammo or generate heat.  {Requires Fire Discipline}

Rapid Fire Autocannon ~ cost 25xp
Quicker rate of fire for Standard/Light autocannons.
Allow weapon to make attacks as if it were an Ultra AC.
On a roll of 4 or less the weapon Jams.
On a roll of 2 the round in the chamber explodes.

Rapid Fire Machine Guns ~ cost 10xp
Machine Guns are altered to Burst fire at a much higher rate, increasing damage.
Each time the MG is fired, roll d6 to determine heat generated and damage done.
Each Burst of fire consumes, Ammo used = Damage rolled (x3)
{Conventional Units, roll a d4 but do not generate heat}

Hail of Bullets ~ cost 15xp
Machine Guns may be used to spray an area defensively with bullets, acting as AMS to knock down missiles.
10d6 Ammo used and 3 Heat generated

Wall of Lead ~ cost 35xp
Machine Guns may be used to spray an area defensively with bullets, acting as AMS to knock down missiles aimed at a target within 30 meters.
10d6 Ammo used and 3 Heat generated

Rapid Fire Machine Guns ~ cost 10xp
Machine Guns are altered to Burst fire at a much higher rate, increasing damage.
Each time the MG is fired, roll d6 to determine heat generated and damage done.
Each Burst of fire consumes, Ammo used = Damage rolled (x3)
{Conventional Units, roll a d4 but do not generate heat}

Stand and Deliver ~ cost 15xp
On turns that you do not move, reduce the Long Range penalty by one.

Sniper ~ cost 35xp
On turns that you do not move, range penalties are reduced.
{+1 Penalty for Medium / +2 Penalty for Long / + 4 Penalty for Extreme}
{Requires Stand and Deliver}

Strafe        ~ cost 25xp
Conventional VTOL Pilots may use their Machine Guns to strafe.
{Requires Rapid Fire Auto Canon, to use Autocanons to strafe (2 hexes)}

Bomber        ~ cost 25xp
Conventional VTOL Pilots may use make Carpet and Dive Bomb attacks.
Energy Weapons ~ +1 bonus with Energy Attacks or
May increase the size of dice by one and use Extreme Range Rules.
{PPCs, Standard, Pulse, ER Lasers, and Flamers}

{Energy Weapons, count as two options,
 and cost double the normal cost of xp to develop.
Clutch Shot ~ cost 25xp
once per game the character may adjust a die roll related to a Energy weapon that was just fired, as if they had a point of Edge.

Deadly Accuracy ~ cost 50xp
When you use edge to adjust a roll related to Energy Weapons, you may add or subtract two, instead of one.
{Requires Clutch Shot}

Reduced Heat ~ cost 25xp ~ Reduce Damage/Heat of Energy Weapons.
On Dice roller, you may declare reduced damage/heat for Lasers being fired.
-1 Heat/Damage to a minimum of 1 heat.

Some like it hot ~ cost 25xp
The penalty to hit from heat adjustments, for energy weapons are reduced by one.

Redline Pilot ~ cost 25xp
The penalty to hit from heat adjustments, for all weapons are reduced by one.
{Requires Some Like it Hot}

Strafe        ~ cost 25xp
Conventional VTOL Pilots may use their energy weapons to strafe.
Missiles ~ +1 bonus with Missile Attacks or
May increase the size of dice by one and use Extreme Range Rules.
{Standard and Streak versions of LRMs, LRRs, and SRMs.}
Clutch Shot ~ cost 15xp
once per game the character may adjust a die roll related to a Missile weapon that was just fired, as if they had a point of Edge.

Deadly Accuracy ~ cost 35xp
You when you use edge to adjust a roll related to Missiles, you may add or subtract two, instead of one.
{Requires Clutch Shot}

Fire Discipline ~ cost 15xp
For all weapons that miss, roll 2d6 on a roll of 8+ the weapon does not fire and expends no ammo and generates no heat.

Sure Shot ~ cost 35xp
For all weapons that miss, the weapon does not fire and expends no ammo and generates no heat.  {Requires Fire Discipline}

Hot Load LRMs ~ cost 10xp
LRM Ammo is altered to remove Minimum Range penalty for LRMs
Roll 3d6, take two lowest dice for Number of Missiles that hit.
Critical hits on Missile Launcher will trigger ammo explosion.

Indirect Fire Support ~ cost 25xp
The character may use their Bombardment LRMs for Pre-Mission Bombardment.
If the character does not participate in the mission, they earn 1xp and Base Pay.

Tight Cluster ~ cost 15xp
The pilot may choose to accept a -1 to Hit to gain a +2 bonus on number of missiles that hit, on successful hit rolls.

Lock-On ~ cost 35xp
The pilot may choose to accept a -2 to Hit to gain a +5 bonus on number of missiles that hit, on successful hit rolls.
{Requires Tight Cluster}

Bomber        ~ cost 25xp
Conventional VTOL Pilots may use make Carpet and Dive Bomb attacks.
Close Assault Tactics ~ +1 bonus with CAT attacks.
Attacks with the following weapons made at range 3 or less.
May increase the size of dice by one.
{Flamers, Machine guns, and Small Lasers (Std/Pulse)}
Clutch Shot ~ cost 15xp
once per game the character may adjust a die roll related to a CAT weapon that was just fired, as if they had a point of Edge.

Deadly Accuracy ~ cost 35xp
You when you use edge to adjust a roll related to CAT weapons, you may add or subtract two, instead of one.
{Requires Clutch Shot}

Close and Personal ~ cost 15xp
The character may apply their CAT bonus, at a range of 3 or less, when using any weapon with a Long range of 6 or less.

Knife Fighter ~ cost 35xp
The character may apply their CAT bonus, at a range of 3 or less, when using any weapon with a Long range of 9 or less.  {Requires Close and Personal}

Rapid Fire Machine Guns ~ cost 10xp ~ Machine Guns are altered to Burst fire at a much higher rate, increasing damage.
Each time the MG is fired, roll d6 to determine heat generated and damage done.
Each Burst of fire consumes, Ammo used = Damage rolled (x3)