For the sake of convenience and efficiency, I'm going to request that players follow these simple rules when posting:
1) Please select a single text color and highlight all dialogue in that color consistently. Thoughts or internal monologue should be in italics, rather than quotes:
"Look, you sodding leatherheaded berk," the tiefling says, "stop rattling your bone-box or you'll hit the blinds so fast that you'll think you've learned the dark of the maze before your soul gives your mortal coil the laugh and your own stupidity pens you in the dead-book. Or something."
God, what a stupid, convoluted sentence that was. And it totally went nowhere!
I'd suggest that you avoid orange, as that is the color most commonly used by GMs and players, alike, for OOC commentary and mechanical notation. Orange dialogue tends to make a post look confusing if OOC material is the same color.
2) Please separate the upper half (in-character) of your post from the bottom half (out of character) with some recognizable symbol, such as a line of asterisks:
or a hard rule:
or hide it behind a spoiler field:
<spoiler>Like this.</spoiler>
and put your OOC actions in orange or the same color as your dialogue, so they stand out. Label different actions like this:
[insert skill] [insert check result] to accomplish task X.
Intimidate 15 to threaten the cornugon with grievous bodily harm.
Or like this:
Move: Move 30ft toward the Lady of Pain.
Standard: Think about what you just did.
Free/Swift/Immediate: Scream like a little girl.
3) When speaking in a language other than Common, please make sure to use the new "Private to group LANGUAGE:" or "Language NAME:" formatting. Like this:
The tiefling sighs. [Language Infernal: "Look, cutter,"] she says tiredly, [Language Infernal: "I've had just about enough of your shenanigans. Also, I enjoy pie and long walks on the beach with my cat. Eat at Joe's!"]
4) It would make it really convenient for the GMs if you would please use your character profiles, beneath your portraits, to provide your current/max HP, AC/touch AC/flat-footed AC, and saves, in some fashion. However, this is a suggestion, not a requirement, as many rolls and checks will require us to take a look at your character sheet, anyway.
5) Please post all in-character interactions in the present tense. For example:
OK: John looks at the door with some trepidation. "Someone should probably check it for traps," he suggests warily.
Not OK: John looked at the door with some trepidation. "Someone should probably check it for traps," he suggested warily.
Be sure not to mix your tenses. The reason for all this is that present tense is the standard for most players, and it can become confusing to read a long line of message when the tense changes between characters from post to post. It's like switching from drive to neutral and back over and over again--keep doing that, and you'll burn out your transmission before you crest the hill, see?
6) Whenever your character moves between areas of the game, be certain to display your current location at the top of your post, either in the subject line or like so:
[Town Center]
[Council Chambers]
This allows us to keep track of who is where at any given time, and allows players who are in other locations to skip large numbers of posts that are not relevant to their current situation, assisting with metagame knowledge issues and reading speeds.
Also, when you leave one thread and post in another, post your new/intended location at the bottom of your thread, just as you did for your current location. This will stop any possible confusion if another character attempts to interact with you, but your character has already moved on. Like this:
[Stables -> Town Center]
7) During combat situations, all players involved must post at least once per 24 hours, or they will lose their turn.
8) The GMs, via a convoluted and mysterious system, will determine in advance how many game days will be roleplayed per tenday before a timejump. Each in-game day will only be roleplayed in-game for 3-6 days before it is cut short and the next day is begun. Any projects, conversations, and so forth not closed out by then should either be abandoned, abbreviated, or finished via PM with the appropriate characters. When a day ends there will be one day of real-life time before the next day begins. This will allow the GMs to make sure everything is as it should be before continuing on. The time between breaks in the game, length of days, etc. may change as the game progresses and the game systems/processes are ironed out.
Last edited by virtual4sight, April 14 2020 20:06:31. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.