Generally perceived as a deity of death, Alduir enjoys a great deal of respect from both urban and nomadic societies. This respect sometimes translates into fear or suspicion of the unknown, with as many worshipers seeking to appease the goddess as give her thanks for a peaceful transition.
Because of the nature of death, itself, as a process and the customs various cultures have constructed around it, Alduir does double duty as a figure of guidance and discovery. Travelers who seek unfamiliar horizons often pursue the blessing of the goddess's agents, as do those who pray for lost or missing loved ones to find their way back. Because of the popular and often necessary use of stars for navigation, her association with both exploration and death have led to the deity's popular representation as a being of the night, although some funerary traditions remain tied to daylight and the passage of the sun.
The variety of ways in which adherents of Alduir manifest their faith is a subject of some fascination among contemporary scholars, who have noted several hundred individual belief systems surrounding care of the dying and final rites for the departed, all of which can be traced back to a handful of ancient "proto-Alduiren" cults. Archaeological evidence indicates that the earliest recognizable organized worship of Alduir began in the Kolma and spread outward from there, although the practices and superstitions of modern Trov likely bear hardly any resemblance to this.
Alduir is a god/goddess who guides people in to their last resting place after they have died. She was said to have been the goddess of Night and the Stars, but after death of her mother, she inherited the dominion over guiding the mortal souls. While melancholic at times due to death of her mother, She is a cold deity that guides souls to their destination without hesitation or care for their fate. She answers to prayers of people who are lost, scouts asking for her blessing in their duty to guide others and navigators reading the stars in order to find the way out at the sea.
Cartographers, explorers, gravediggers, morticians, navigators, travelers
Focus Titles: The Last Lights, She Who Guides
Perceived Portfolio: Night, stars, traveling, wayward souls
Sect Alignment: N
Practiced Domains: Darkness (Loss, Night), Repose (Ancestors, Psychopomp, Souls), Travel (Exploration), Void (Isolation, Stars)
Icon: Aurora pierced by two stars
Symbols: Black and white; owl
Favored Weapon: Silver torch
Major Center(s) of Worship: Cattedrale di Aurora (Lombard, Regnan Federation); Basilica Cattedrale di San Lucrezia della Pace (Gvante, Regnan Federation)
celebrate life
Focus Titles: Guardian of the Sleeping, Restful Mother
Perceived Portfolio: Celebration, joy, togetherness
Sect Alignment: CG
Practiced Domains: Chaos (Revelry and Whimsy subdomains only), Community (Family, Home), Good (Friendship), Sun (Day)
Icon: Smiling sun and sleeping crescent moon conjoined
Symbols: Candles; yellow
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Major Center(s) of Worship: Basilica di Aureo (Lombard, Regnan Federation); the Halls of Summer (Karanduniash, the Zahhak)
death's vigil, watches borders
Focus Titles: Drawer of Nets, She Who Watches, the Tidewarden
Perceived Portfolio: Afterlife, death, spirits, stewardship, undeath
Sect Alignment: LG
Practiced Domains: Magic (Rites subdomain only), Protection (Defense), Repose (Psychopomp, Souls), Travel (Portal subdomain only)
Icon: Woman on a sailboat in profile
Symbols: Black and blue; open eye
Favored Weapon: Net
Major Center(s) of Worship: Fortezza di Velo (Lombard, Regnan Federation)
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