-- Core Races
~~~ Clans
{AE} Adamant Entertainment
{AP} Alluria Publishing
{JBE} Jon Brazer Enterprises
{PFU} Paizo Fans United
{RDE} Races of the Dragon Empires
Anumus, {AP}
Aasimar [see Off-blood]
Boggle, {AP}
Drow [see Elf-court (Clan)}
Drow, Noble [see Elf-court (Clan)]
Duergar [see Dwarf-hall (Black Fey Hall)]
--Dwarf [see Dwarf-hall (Hill Dwarf)]
~~~Dwarf Clans [See Dwarf-hall]
~~~Elf Clans [See Elf-court]
Entobian, {AP}
~~~ Gnome Clans
Goblin, High {JBE};
--Half Elf;
Kval, {AP}
Kitsune, {RDE}
Lizardfolk, {PFU}
Mahrog, {AP}
Mogogol, {AP}
Muse, {AP}
Nagaji, {RDE}
Numistian, {AP}
Oakling, {AP}
Obitu, {AP}
Ogre, Half- {AE};
--Orc, Half;
Ratkin, {AE}
Relluk, {AP}
Samsaran, {RDE}
Saurian, {AE}
Tengu, {RDE}
Wayang, {RDE}
Kval, {AP}
Squole, {AP}
Taddol, {AP}
Xax, {AP}
Zif, {AP}
Last edited by C-h Freese, March 18 2015 23:13:19. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.