As per Fuse in the OOC Thread - 19 post #240:
"For observation attempts, I forgot to factor it in last turn, but I'll remind you of a little house rule used maybe Heffe doesn't know either... anyway stances affect chances. Being prone will negatively impact observation rolls. Standing will positively impact them. Kneeling is neutral. The amount differs/is random, depending on the ground and obviously only applies if LOS is physically possible in the first place"
Post #242:
"It's usually just a -1 or -2 to a roll for bonuses (or similar + values for the opposite). But even one point on a roll can mean the difference between success and failure.
Difficulty levels are changed for things such as: darkness, smoke, obscured by vegetation, observation aids, etc..."
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Last edited by Heffe, July 29 2019 19:42:41. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.