
The maximum number of languages a character can know is 2 + 1/2 their Cipher or Civilization modifier (whichever is better). Your first language must be the most common language used in the setting (usually "Common") and the rest can be chosen thematically.

It takes roughly 1 month of practice and study every day to attempt to learn a language. At the end of this period, you make a Cipher or Civilization check DC10 (common language), DC15 (uncommon language), DC20 (rare language), and +5 DC if the language is alien, dead, exotic, or otherwise difficult for you to learn because you can't speak it or have trouble with it. Success means you can communicate with it conversationally while a critical success means you become fluent. You can keep trying as often as you like. Regardless whether your fluency is conversational or fluent, it consumes a language slot. You can also choose to forget a language if you study a new one and are already full on language slots.

Much has transpired in only a few hundred years. Languages and cultures have dramatically changed from their structures before the Cataclysm. However, given this time there are a few languages and cultures of note.

Common: Spacers have developed their own tongue from generations of living in space and mixing many languages into one. Spacer creole is now the most common language in the system while off-world and is simply known as "common" among space travelers. Usually only those living on the surface call it "spacer creole".

Ancient: Some dead tongues remain in archives or museums. These are considered uncommon but learning one of the ancient tongues is considered prestigious. Speaking an ancient language is indicative that you are likely a native to hostile wilderness in Terra or a wealthy elite who has studied rare museum-housed texts.

Braille: Braille used to have many versions for ancient languages. Today, braille is its own universal tongue that is easily translated into the other common languages.

Clicks: Clicks is a language of clicking, clapping, stomping, tapping, or other noises that make up a form of communication. A real-world equivalent would be Morse Code.

Code: Where most people know about binary and various coding languages, actually understanding them is a different story. There are many coding languages, but all branch from the same original binary, so understanding one of them helps to decode any of them as long as they're not encrypted. Someone who speaks Binary can learn other machine codes, but the vast majority just use Binary.

Martian: The cultures of Mars have developed their own language (Martian) in addition to adopting the four Terran tongues.

Roswellian: Many alien cults and pop culture enthusiasts over generations have developed a language known as Roswellian. It is said that it is the language of the aliens that contacted earth as they supposedly have visited our world before prior to the cataclysm.

Sign: There are several known sign languages: Military, Spacer, Street.

Terran: Though there were once thousands of languages and cultures on Terra, they have more or less coalesced into only four major tongues with many dialects. They are often referred to in the four cardinal directions: Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western.

Venusian: The colonies on Venus have developed their own language in addition to adopting the four Terran tongues.