
Though cyborgs and mutants are still human in all the ways that count, most humans simply don't have fancy augmentations or powers. You are mostly a genetically standard human being with no special stat adjustments. You might have one or two cybernetic parts or a minor mutation that's barely noticeable, but they are so minor you still pass for a standard human. You cannot acquire Mutant powers and all Tech powers you gain are reliant on you having the appropriate equipment. Humans rely on skill, talent, expertise, knowledge, and proper tools to get the job done...and the occasional string of luck. Humans do have a benefit in that they do not trip any Augmentation Scans that specifically attempt to find cybernetic implants or identify mutants, and so they are not looked upon with as much scrutiny. Sometime discretion is the greater part of valor...and crime. Really great for getting away with crime.

You begin with 3 special abilities of your choice.

You can acquire Innate, Item, Luck, Power, Tech, and Trait abilities but all your superhuman abilities must be Luck or Item abilities.