The Sukalad is the collective name of the six gods worshipped by the Lantari. The pantheon is divided into two families: the Sielikirused ("Sielik's people") and the Camuirused ("Camue's people"). Although Sielik and Camue are husband and wife, the two deities are long-estranged and have split, with their children, into two separate factions, who maintain a cool affiliation with each other. This mirrors the mutually-disdainful relationship between the two factions of priesthoods in Lantaren, each of which is often at variance with the other on political matters and carries differing levels of influence with various nobles and with the crown.

The four daughters of Sielik and Camue were born of (in fact, crafted from sunlight by) their father or mother alone, and do not share a parent with those in the other family. Thus, Samua is sister only to Jeha, and not to Sacha or Zepha, for although Sielik is her father, his wife, Camue, is not Samua's mother.

The members of the Sukalad are:


Each of the deities above has his or her own temple and priesthood, but politically these temples are are united under the hegemony of their father or mother temple (ie, those of either Sielik or Camue).

Between them, the temples and clergy hold sway over almost all aspects of life in Lantaren, and can exert enormous influence over the nobility and the crown.