The Unclaimed:

Freedom. Sweet, horrible freedom. The Unclaimed have nowhere to go, and thus, they "choose" to be free. As a member of the Unclaimed, you hold a deep mistrust of the Federation Of Magic, and their cult-like desire for secrecy and obedience. However, working with them has benefits, often in the form of precious items which can be sold for food and shelter. The Coalition is a poor second option, for their sordid history leaves the Unclaimed in a state of suspicion and mistrust. There seems no good choice to align with, so you join together with your fellow inhabitants of the world, be they human, mutant, alien, or robot. As long as they are willing to work with you, and don't want to kill you, they are your friend.

...At least, until they get something really good you can steal. Then you're probably going to kill THEM. The Unclaimed have no bonus for belonging with them. However, they have none of the negative stereotypes associated with the Coalition and Federation of Magic. Any group will work with them, albeit under certain conditions, and most of the free world is far more willing to trust one of the Unclaimed over the rest.

The Unclaimed:Juicer
The Unclaimed:Rogue Scholar
The Unclaimed:Wilderness Scout