
Edgewater Academy

The Flowing River discipline emphasizes grace, speed, and mobility in combat. It teaches that no matter how strong your opponent is, if you dodge each of his blows, he will never defeat you and that no matter how great your foe’s defenses might be if you can strike where he does not expect you, you will prevail. In life, followers of the Flowing River remain ever-moving, as they travel on the spiritual journey known as life.

Seventh Chakra Church

The Golden Soul discipline teaches that inner harmony and self-knowledge are the keys to victory and that if you truly know yourself, you will be undefeatable. Their style is well-balanced in many ways and focuses on using the flow of battle to empower themselves, but this only works if they know their own limits. Followers of the golden soul tend to be calm and serene outside of combat, and the discipline heavily stresses meditative techniques.

Saw-Wing Spiral

The Graceful Starling discipline is a showy, flashy fighting style designed to make the user look impressive as he uses it, though it is no less effective for doing so. The style involves many grand flourishes and flashy techniques like disarming and tripping foes. Sometimes referred to as the “Merciful Starling,” because of its ability to defeat opponents without slaying them, it is popular amongst youths and nobility.

School of  the Shadowed Path

The Infinite Shadow discipline teaches that combat is a deadly, high-stakes situation and that every possible advantage should be taken that your foe is the one who winds up dead, and not you. This ruthless fighting style is banned in many places and teaches its users to take advantage of foes’ vulnerabilities in order to deliver swift, decisive, and efficient killing blows. It is a favorite of assassins but also has a traditional background.

Nine Dragon Iron Scale School

The Iron Scale discipline is a heavy and brutal fighting style that is used for dueling. Its techniques are incredibly well-suited for one-on-one combat, and in such situations, it is all but unbeatable, but it suffers heavily when used against multiple opponents. Many of the style’s techniques allow the user to prevent his foe from escaping or attacking elsewhere, while at the same time providing the user with ample advantages against his single opponent.
