The nightlife of Gillen Street bustles as the sun goes down. The bars are beginning to fill up, especially the Ziggurat Club, a line already out the door waiting to get in for the show tonight. Word has spread though the grapevine, J.P.L. is playing tonight. They're only the best new band that no one's really heard of. But they've got a female singer! Tomb of the Unknown Horse said they had one, but it was just a dude wearing a trilby in a dress.

The nearby Cornucopia food market welcomes its patrons with knit cloth bags, organic vegetables and breads, and fresh ground and brewed fair trade coffee, cakes and chocolates, the smell and sounds wafting to the street outside. Everywhere, the place is young, hip and trendy, the very reversal of it's image ten years ago, the junkie capital of Angel City, filled with the homeless, the dispossessed, and the vile. Where once sat a panhandler, now stands a woman in a jean jacket and "ironic" glasses tweeting a photo of the "line outside Ziggurat #longwait4JPL" It is sometimes referred to as "Corno."

In the nearby park, some kids play with fire crackers, which is of course annoying no small amount of the young hip people nearby.

The Lower Village, home to Tag, was once a bustling artistic hub but now appears to be on the edge of gentrification, similar to other nearby neighborhoods.