Adding to the world means fleshing it out and adding detail. All the players are ultimately in control of the game world, so players all have the ability to introduce details to the world. Introducing details takes place in posts, as well as character backstories.

Introducing Details

Details follow these guidelines:
  1. They should introduce something new and unexpected to the world.
  2. They cannot erase an existing detail, only modify or change them.
  3. Changes to details should be a direct result of player action or impending conflict.
  4. Details aren't there for a player to make their perfect world, but for players to all contribute.

Details made in posts are limited to just one per post. Note that these are details that introduce something new and exciting or unexpected. Details that add mundane or trivial ideas are not restricted, and players can add them as needed. These minor details can be characters, locations or anything that players need to make their posts. Major details, on the other hand, help define the world and the problems facing the players.

Saying that there is a cafe down the street doesn't really add much to the story, unless it's been established that cafes are unusual. This is a minor detail, and does not need to be specially recorded. Saying that there are flying cars is a detail that might be more impactful. Saying that there are robot servants that help people around the city is an even greater detail. These would need to be recorded for reference and later modification. Players are also able to freely modify existing details. These modifications need to be recorded as well, and cannot simply modify the detail without precedent or reason.

To introduce a detail, the player will include it in a post, stating the detail as though it were defacto true. That means that no special attention is given it in a post. For example, a post might say: "Jura located a nearby robot servitor and asked it for directions to the archives." This statement introduces the concept of robot servitors, but doesn't call attention to it. The player simply assumes that the detail they want to introduce is already true. In a seperate section, the player will write down a one-or-two sentence description of the detail. For example, "The city contains helpful robot servitors that act as guides. Citezens are used to the robots as a source of information and help." The facilitator might ask for clarification on a detail. If the detail would need more than two sentences to describe, it's a good idea to introduce it over multiple posts, allowing players to chime in with details of their own.

Players add to existing details by saying something about a previously introduced detail. For example, "Mateiu couldn't help but notice that the servitor watched him closely as he interacted with it." This adds a detail onto the previous one made by Jura. Once posted, the player playing Mateiu will add to the post describing the robot servitor detail, trying to keep to just one sentence. For example: "The servitors are observant and used for surveilling the public." This fleshes out the detail a bit more. Players can add to already introduced details as much as they choose, but it's best not to do it too much at once.

Some events will simply change how a detail works. These situations should arise as a result of player involvement with the plot or conflict, not just stated, unless they are driving towards a new conflict. Some examples: "After the incident at the servitor factory, the robot servitors, whom everyone had come to trust, were recalled, leaving rather lonely streets." This shows a detail changing as a result of player actions. "When Jura left for work the next day, she noticed that the servitors had been replaced by hulking machines, and what was worse, they carried guns." This isn't a result of player involvement, but hints at some conflict that might beset the players in the future. It's a good detail, and does not entirely erase the original detail. After posting a change in a detail, the player will either post a new detail and indicate on the old detail that it is no longer valid, or will add the change to the old detail, whichever makes the most sense for the situation.

Main Page

Pages On How to Play

What should I post?
What if I want to add to the world?
What are characters like?
What happens when there's conflict or uncertainty involved?
How do I know when it is my turn?

Extra Pages

Introduced World Details