Airscout Gyrocopter
Crew: 2
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 100 lbs
Initiative Modifier: -1
Maneuver Modifier: -1
Top Speed: 202 (115 mph)
Defense: 10
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 20
Size: Large
Armament: 2 forward-facing M249 machine guns, 4 70mm rockets

A small gyrocopter with an enclosed, tandem configuration cockpit. The helicopter-like horizontal rotating blades are powered only for take-off and the craft cannot hover unless facing into a 16 mph wind. A push propeller generates thrust for forward flight. It is used for scouting and is lightly armed for its own defense.

The aircraft breaks down into six small (man-portable) packages and is carried broken down in each of the SCIENCE-ONE vehicles. The crew normally consists of a pilot/gunner and an observer. After the maximum range is reached, or the craft has flown for more than 12 hours, a full lubrication and maintenance is required that takes about two hours to do properly.