Task Force 47 is headquartered at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey.  It's a NATO intelligence operation, with the addition of Australian assets in May 2015.  When it was established in early 2013, its original mission was counter-proliferation of emergent and disruptive technological threats.  As Chief Bannon put it:

We go after guys who have their hands on the wrong technology, stuff that isn't necessarily on CNN's radar as the monster of the week.  Gene sequences of biologicals that the Russians swear were destroyed in the eighties.  Cold fusion research data.  A shipping container that turns up in the port of Genoa putting off radiation levels that look like Chernobyl.  High-end crypto.  Someone using Iraq as a test environment for what looks a lot like a directed EMP weapon.  Whenever Pakistan loses another nuke, we'll be on the callout list.  On paper, the mission is ISR, and we call in another CT unit or conventional forces when we have a positive ID.  In practice, sometimes there's no time to do that and our guys have to go hot.  So we really need people who understand what not to shoot when that happens.

As of June 2015, its organizational structure is:

Blue Cell - Headquarters, administration, intelligence analysis, aviation operations.
Amber Cell - field support to direct action teams.
Green Cell - research and scientific/technological advisors.
White Cell - first direct action team.
Grey Cell - second direct action team, added December 2014.