Chief Warrant Officer 3 Ted Bannon, USN (NPC)
Call Sign: Nemesis
Nationality: Alaskan-American
Current Assignment: Intelligence Section Chief, Task Force 47
Age: 48
Languages: English (native), Russian (conversational), German (conversational), Arabic (conversational), Pashto (pidgin)

The aphorism about old age and treachery may have been written with Ted Bannon in mind.  Originally a Seabee who joined the Navy because it would pay for his education, Bannon somehow slid sideways into the special operations world early in his career.  He rose to senior enlisted rank before accepting a warrant officer's commission, moving grudgingly from team leadership to operational intelligence and planning.  He's no longer able to hang with the young guys, due in no small part to two sets of bullet wounds that should have killed him, but he's still pretty handy with a rifle, a knife, or a demolition charge.

Chief Bannon runs the task force's operational intelligence group, generating and presenting the information that teams going into the field will need to survive.  He smokes the harshest available cigarettes, thinks "fuck" is punctuation, and doesn't respect anyone who can't respond to one of his insults within a five-second window.  He has hunted big game on every continent but Antarctica and is constantly snacking on jerky made from some exotic animal or another.  He also bakes.