Legends of Old Urthe - Hell on Urthe  (D&D v3.5)

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Fifth Age - Hell on Urthe: The Pearl of the Moon

Travelling to Talhamnoduin by means of one of Tizun's portals and the good graces of the Hall's new Master, Lord Diker, the party encountered two Halfling Hunds, shadowing the Dark Priests who were scouring the night-shrouded streets of the city, looking to make up their quota of sacrifices. Only Myshrall's presence gave them pause, and the pair mistakenly assumed the party was in the city to enter the Games, revealing that the prize was none other than the Pearl which they sought.

Seeking a tavern for the night, the party were directed to the Werebeast, were the jaded, daring and foolish flock to partake of the establishment's potent concoctions, barely better than poisons, which could rob a man of his senses or worse. There, Alasha'an gained the respect of both patrons and the owner, Rankin, a fleshy giant of a man, by accepting his challenge and imbibing the 'Breath of the Dragon', though it is Lady Ardilla, the notorious courtesan who met the outrageous asking price.

As Amhairgin flirted with the Lady, gaining promises of assistance, Brugar became embroiled in an argument with her companions, enticing one to arm-wrestle with him. The Dwarf won the contest, though it was a close run thing and it was only Rankin's warning that prevented the fellow from using a poison-coated ring-blade to influence the outcome.

The next day was spent in preparation for the Games. Amhairghin's silver tongue stretched the party's coin far as they invested in weapons and various protections. Myshrall, familiar with the ways of such things, arranged for the party's registration as competitors. But Malaki did not return at all, either that night nor by the following morning.

Joining the tide of bodies flowing towards the arena, the party were taken to a waiting hall in the labyrinth beneath and instructed on the formalities and protocols, then bid remain until they were called. But that call never came.

Instead, they were joined by the serried ranks of the Knights of the Ride, Dinear's elite warriors, holding blades to the throats of two hostages – Malaki and Lady Ardilla. And with them came Melzakre One-Handed, a former companion of the Walkers, who bid you hear him out ...

The Pearl was but bait in a trap, to lure the party to this meeting, to listen to Dinear's proposition. The Silent One was prepared to give them the Pearl, to send them north to the Cold Wastes, there to break open Rhiannon's portal ... but in return they had to take Melzakre with them, and the two hostages would be held against his return.

With little choice in the matter, the party reluctantly agreed to these terms.

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