Legends of Old Urthe - Hell on Urthe  (D&D v3.5)

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Fourth Age - Old Urthe: One Night at the Haunted Inn

From far and wide they came, from Forest Deep, and Mountain Fastness; from the Frozen Northern Wastes, and from the Heart of the City; drawn together one stormy Samain's night to an old inn at the heart of the Dead Forest ...

And there they heard tales of horror; of evil bandits and vengeful ghosts; of curses and of death. And with these tales fresh in their minds, and with the night closing in, and the storm worsening, they waited ...

And one by one, the travellers vanished, carried off by ghosts, or so it seemed, till of all the guests, only Dalemo and Saffaris remained ... and they found themselves under attack by the treacherous Innkeeper himself, revealed to be a servant of the Death God, Arawn, and with one of their own, Ormelious enspelled and seeking his comrades' blood.

But they did not falter, slaying the Innkeeper and thus restoring Ormelious to his senses ... only to then encounter the Ghost of the elven maid, said to be the source of the curse in vengeance for her slain love ...

But this Ghost harmed them not, instead guiding them through passages and chambers, far beneath the Inn, where they recovered an ancient staff which sprung to life in Saffaris' hands and with it they renewed the land, causing the stunted trees of the Dead forest to grow once more, and for plant-life of all kinds to spring forth from its long hibernation.

And so the curse was lifted, and the ghostly Elven maid at last found rest in the arms of her long lost love ...

But elsewhere those that had vanished fought on. The ghosts THEY battled turned out to be creatures raised from the grave by Arawn's priests, led by one Gelen, who lured travellers to the Inn that they might steal their souls to offer in sacrifice to their unholy master.

Melzakre, the first to disappear, was possessed for a time by Morrigan, the Dark Mistress of War, and was vouchsafed a terrible vision of Dead Men rising from their graves, armed with rods that spat fire and protected by foul magics, he saw them overwhelm the forces loyal to the Urthe Mother ...

But then did a Great Serpent appear and ,sweeping down from the skies above, it consumed everything in its path ... and great was Morrigan's rage as she departed with her Dread Consorts to discuss its import.

But no sooner had they vanished than Math Mathonwy, the Great Savant, returned and did seal his Eye into Melzakre's hand.

Meantime, Daleraith, Gynda, Nanoc, Ogin, Quintilla and Parthan had battled through a tide of priests of the Dark Brotherhood AND their creatures to rescue Willard before he could be sacrificed and his soul forfeit to the Death God, and they were reunited with Melzakre, and did Parthan sever the hand of Melzakre from his body lest the Eye corrupt him.

And to the horror of all, the Hand and Eye, now separate from Melzakre, did reanimate and scuttle off into the darkness where it disappeared from sight.

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