
Capital: Shae Cairdal
Ruler: The Sibling Kings - Belaereth and Tezaera Mendyrian
Population: 2,650,000  (elf 77%, undying 19%, half-elf 3%, other 1%)
Exports: Crafts, bronzewood, densewood, livewood, soarwood
Languages: Elven, Draconic

Industries: Mystial lumber, herbs and plants (especially for necromancy).

Life and Society: Ancient, devoted to ancestors.  Insular.  Death is not feared, but welcomed.  Immense racial pride.

Government and Politics: Two forces govern Aerenal.  The Sibling Kings guide the daily affairs, the Undying Court shapes the destiny of the elf race.

Power Groups

Religion: Undying Court - death is but another step in joining the one elven soul.

Major Settlements