Resource Nodes.

Lumber, Stone, and Iron Nodes
SizeResult NeededDice# of Uses
PoorPartial Success[3d4]+62
NormalNormal Success[4d4]+83
ExceptionalSignificant Success[5d4]+104
GrandAstounding Success[6d4]+124

Foodstuffs and Gold Nodes
SizeResult NeededDice# of Uses
PoorPartial Success[2d4]+41
NormalNormal Success[3d4]+62
ExceptionalSignificant Success[4d4]+83
GrandAstounding Success[5d4]+104

At the end of each Month - the # of possible uses of a Node depreciates by 1.  Once a Node reaches '0' remaining uses - it is gone and you must scout for other nodes in order to harvest that resource.

Caches are similar to resource nodes - in that they can be found via scouting, however; their benefits are acquired instantly and then they are gone.  If you scout and find a cache, you will receive a random assortment of items, resources and gold depending upon the size of the cache:

SizeResult NeededGold Value
PoorPartial Success4
SmallNormal Success8
MediumSignificant Success12
LargeAstounding Success16

Although Caches can be found anywhere: they are most frequently found in Plains.

What you find in the cache is determined by the terrain and the size of the cache.
Harvesting Resources

(* Caches above grand do not exist.  Nodes above Grand do not exist.  If you roll an Epic Success when Scouting and you discover a node - that node will instead be "Grand" with a "+20 to Harvest" bonus.)