

Age: 9

Affiliation: Konoha
Squad 9
Rank: Genin
Clan: -

Iwamoto Emiko
Iwamoto "Okaasan"
A smallish boy, Akira is only nine years old. Young for a Genin by a few years. Not that it matters to anyone, but it helps to give some frame of reference to understand his size in comparison to the others. He is small and spry. His hair is light brown, and hangs absently around his face, untamed but not unnecessarily messy.

Most people would remark that he is a cute or even handsome child, mannerisms aside. He positively brims with energy, his bright green eyes searching every face and never missing so much as a beat. His skin is clear of blemish or freckle, but is fairly light for the region without being unhealthy.

His build would be best described as wiry, and for his meager height it is perfectly fitting.

He is wearing a big woolly scarf and a deep green jacket hangs down to mid-thigh with a huge symbol for Konoha on his back. Flapping in the wind as he runs. His feet are clad in ordinary shinobi sandals, and he has a small pack at his hip. His dusky shins have been wrapped in a tightly wound layer of bandages, matching to the ones on his forearms and palms. Only the tips of his fingers and his face are fully exposed. Limiting the amount of contact he can make with his skin.

Hyuuga Junichi(m): mentor

Iwamoto Emiko(f): adoptive sister

Iwamoto "Okaasan"(f): adoptive mother