The Red Hand of Doom

Many goblinoid creatures were seen travelling west to be ruled under a charismatic leader named Azarr Kul who is rumoured to be gathering a very large force in the Wyrmsmoke Mountains.  On the way to Drellin's Ferry, the party was ambushed.

Grimnir Kogamund's interrogation of a prisoner revealed the following:

"We are the Kulkor Zhul!  Wyrmlord Koth has Azarr Kul's ear!  You are nothing, stupid dwarf.  Either Wyrmlord Koth will burn you to ash or his lieutenant, Karkilan, will crush you.  That bug-eyed killer is as big as an ogre.  The warband will march from the human castle in the forest and destroy the rivertown."

Boban and Will have determined that the "human castle" was actually the old, ruined Vraath Keep  Wyrmlord Koth was found and killed.  The party recovered the following map:  Wyrmlord Koth's Map

Sertieren the Wise learned the following from the papers:

"The horde is definitely gathering at Cinder Hill.  Several thousand goblinoid warrior being led by fanatical priests of Tiamat; goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears and ogres.  Even worse, there are several dragons being used as advisors and subcommanders."

"There are three other Wyrmlords, besides Koth.  Wyrmlord Saarvith, a goblin ranger.  He's off on some special mission, but Koth wasn't sure what it was.  Wyrmlord Ulwai Stormcaller is a hobgoblin bard.  Not much mentioned about him.  And Wyrmlord Hravek Kharn, a Talon of Tiamat, whatever that is, commands the horde itself.  The Red Hand is being ruled by High Wyrmlord Azzar Kuhl.  Koth calls him a cleric of Tiamat and says he dwells in massive temple in the heard of the Wyrmsmoke Mountains."

The party killed Wyrmlord Koth and Ozzyrandion, his Green Dragon friend, at the Skullgorge Bridge.  This helped to delay the advancing horde.

Saarvith, the goblin ranger, was a friend of Regiarix, the Black Dragon.  He was sent to the old capital city of Rhest to hide the Ghostlord's phylactery and to breed Greenspawn Razorfiends.  The party killed him too.


"Kulkor Zhul":  People of the Dragon.

Key Figures:

Azarr Kul:  Charismatic leader who is uniting the goblinoids.  Cleric of Tiamat.

Wyrmlord Koth DECEASED:  One of Azzar Zul's generals.  He was killed in Vraath Keep.

Wyrmlord Saarvith DECEASED:  a goblin ranger and friend of Regiarix, the black dragon.  He was killed in the old capital city of Rhest where he was performing two special missions for the Red Hand.  He was hiding the phylactery of the Ghostlord and breeding Greenspawn Razorfiends  to be used in the Red Hand's army.

Wyrmlord Ulwai Stormcaller:  a hobgoblin bard

Wyrmlord Hravek Kharn:  a Talon of Tiamat.  Leading the horde itself.

The Ghostlord: undead druid with a fondness for lions who was blackmailed into serving the Red Hand