- Lord Kergen Jarmaath:  Lord of Brindol and on the High Council (human male)
- Captain Lars Ulverth:  Captain of the Lion Guard (human male)
- Shining Servant Tredora Goldenbrow:  Cleric of Pelor. (aasimar female)
- Lady Verrasa Kaal:  Head of House Kaal and on the High Council (human female)
- Rillor Paln:  Owner of Laughing Manticore, suspected guildmaster of Brindol's Black Knives (human male)
- Immerstal the Red:  Most powerful wizard in Brindol and owner of Red Magic and Sundries (human male)
- Damynda Rianthiar:  Headmaster of the Brindol Academy (human female)
- Torgin Kuraki: Half-orc owner of Thirsty Zombie (half-orc male)
- Trabalard Yab:  Owner of the Stone Wyvern (gnome male)
- Eldremma Axenhaft:  Owner of Axenhaft Security.  Party got the urn job from her. (female dwarf)
- Worren Lasterman, coffin maker from the shop Discreet Departures.  Party delivered his urns to Blasingdel.
- Andraki Lenn, owner of the upscale inn the Craven Raven (human male))
- Zak, street boy, cared for Eyolf for a day (human male)

Starsong Hill:  Home of the Tiri Kitor
- Battlehunter Killiar Arrowswift, warrior (elf male)
- Speaker Sellryia Starsinger (elf female)
- Trellara Nightshadow, sister of Lanikar who was killed by Greenspawn Razorfiend (elf female)
- Illian Snowmantle, cleric of Corellon Larethian (elf male)
- Narue Elamaer, former member of the Wraath Guard

Drellin's Ferry:
- Norro Wiston, Town Speaker of Drellin's Ferry (human male)
- Captain Soranna Anitah, Captain of the Drellin's Ferry Guard (human female)
- Brother Derny, cleric of Pelor (human male)
- Sertieren the Wise, wizard (halfling male)
- Delora Zann, rogue, retired adventurer (Golden Drake Company) and on Town Council (female human)
- Kellin Shadowbanks, head of the Shadowbanks clan and on Town Council (halfling male)
- Iormel, local miser and on Town Council (human male
- Morlin Coalhewer: weapon and armor smith (dwarf male)
- Thaarma: owner of the Green Apple (dwarf female)
- Jarett Nurth:  owner of Jarett's Sundries (human female)
- Delora Zann: owner of Delora's Livery and Stable (human female)
- Gausler:  owner of Gausler's Brewhouse (half-orc male)
- Jendar:  owner of Jendar's warehouse (halfling male)
- Ben Sterrel:  owner of Sterrel's provisioning (human male)
- Avarthel:  druid, Keepers of Eth (half-elf male)
- Sergeant Hersk: townguard (human male)

- Lord Myles Berrick, ruler of Blasingdel (human male)
- Kheldegan Tolm: male dwarf, owner of Tolm's Superior Outfitting and Dry Goods
- Sarel Bankdown: female half-elf, owner of The Griffin's Nest, inn and tavern
- Sister Alonso:  female human
- Constable Dara Whitewood: female human
- Sergeant Grendar Kuln: male half-orc

- Vurnor Leng, mayor of Oakhurst (human male)
- Caron, barkeeper of the Ol' Boar Inn (human male)
- Kerowyn Hucrele, a successful merchant (human female)
- Dem "Corkie" Nackle, healer and cleric of Pelor (gnome female)
- Rurik Lutgehr, blacksmith (dwarf male)

The Dragon Clan of Kobolds:
- Yusdrayl, leader of the Dragon Clan (kobold female)
- Meepo, Keeper of the Dragon (kobold male)
- Calcryx, white dragon hatchling.


- High Councilor Nindel Thorn, leader of the High Council of Daria and also the leader of the Merchant's Council. (human male)
- Lady Bristeir, ruler of Dennovar and on the High Council (human female)
- Prelate Barila Harrask, high priestess of St. Cuthbert, leader of the Temple Council and on the High Council.
- Aragathos, human, powerful spell caster, known across the land as being paid an enormous sum of money to protect the city from magical attack.
- Blade Captain Yelsharra, half-elf female, leader of the famed Dennovar Blades.


- Sir Braford, paladin of Pelor, (human male) deceased.
- Erky Timbers, cleric/fighter (gnome male)
- Annastrianna Brightleaf, druid (elf female)
- Kale Silverblade, ranger (human male)
- Deillyr Starcloak, in Prosser, owner of the Six Blades Inn