Position:Game admin
Location:United States
Timezone:Eastern Standard/GMT -5
Sionnach is Freehold's chief administrator.

Formerly a first-wave player when the game originally launched in 2011, he was recruited to assist with management of the struggling game, and took over as primary GM when it was rebooted as a Pathfinder game on May 17, 2011. Since then, in addition to leading development for Freehold's plot, he has specialized in character and player management and serves as the go-to officer for applications, PC design, NPC operation, and arbitration of player conflict.

A First Nations man of Tsalagi heritage, Sionnach entered university in 2004 and later graduated with advanced degrees in social sciences and creative writing, with an emphasis in game design. He spent two years as a sex worker while attending college, and later settled into a career as a professional game designer and a certified art conservator. He is married to his husband of nine years and has two cats, one young and high-strung and another who recently turned 19. His interests include activism, cooking, and the performing arts.

In his capacity as game administrator, Sionnach is the official first contact for new visitors and applicants and handles all requests to join the game, as well as the integration of new PCs with existing storylines. No medical advice is dispensed through any medium of this game in any professional capacity, but Sionnach is always available for players who need assistance and works as Freehold's unofficial counselor.

Sionnach serves as the official curator for the Freehold art fund and is the community liaison between players and partnered artists. He also maintains this wiki.