Arriving on 22 Nightal, 1373DR, the shaman Holy Moon came to Freehold out of an interest in the conflict between the new settlement and the Ghauwffhwa, who he claimed were enemies of his own tribe, called the Bauffwyld. Greeted by the villagers with some trepidation, considering their ongoing troubles with gnolls, Holy Moon proved to be patient and good-humored about his welcome and the scrutiny under which he found himself.

When apprised of the death of Kejujuhwa, Holy Moon gleefully declared the Freeholders allies of his people, though he cautioned them that gnolls are not known for their intellect and that the threat was likely far from over. Finding himself enjoying the company of the comparatively erudite Freeholders increasingly more than that of his tribe, the shaman elected to stay when invited by Ash Nahcomence to join the druid circle. This proved a boon when, a short time later, the Liontongue River was poisoned by kobolds, and Holy Moon joined "Warchief" Lysander Arkaine and a handful of others in an expedition to find and eliminate the source of the contamination.

Demonstrating himself to be more than capable in a fight, Holy Moon helped turn the tide of the final battle against the kobolds, both by assisting Abae Khon in seizing control of construct defenses and by hurling his summoned hyena pack against the dangerous serpents conjured by the kobolds' vile leader. It was likewise the shaman who helped clear the party's path of traps with his ruthless use of nature's ally, and who helped them escape, in the end, by discovering the teleportation mechanism that returned them above ground. When the Liontongue thereafter manifested an avatar through which to speak with Freehold, She personally thanked Holy Moon for his service to his chosen element.