
Each character has 8 primary statistics called "practices". You begin play with 1 rank in 3 practices, 2 ranks in 2 practices, and 3 ranks in 3 practices of your choice.

CreationCreate things
DestructionDamage, debuff, and destroy
EminenceCommand/control troops, intimidate or impress people, create shock and awe
KnowledgeDiscover and memorize key knowledge
MobilityRanged combat and impossible accuracy
RestorationBuff, heal, and repair
SubterfugeDeception, disguise, espionage, secrets, skullduggery
TacticsControl/manipulate battlefield/terrain

Creation: You attempt to create something. You roll a power most appropriate to create something + your Creation stat. Depending on the object you want to create, a certain number of successes are needed, with each attempt taking roughly 1 day. You can take a penalty to your roll per time scale you want to reduce this time: 6 hours for -1, 2 hours for -2, 30 minutes for -3, 10 minutes for -4, 3 minutes for -5, 1 minute for -6, 3 rounds for -7 and 1 round for -8.

For a simple object you need 1 + size + Resources cost successes. For a complex object, you need +4 more successes.

When you create any effect, you must devote your successes to the aspects of effect you want to create. All aspects of an effect you create start at 1 before you invest dice in the effect. You can split your effect between multiple things. For example if you have 5 dice in something and you wanted to create a ranged area attack. You could devote 2 dice to the area (1 + 2 = 32 = 9 yards/meters) and 3 dice to damage.

Powers that can use normal tools without magic, which extend your limitations by whatever the normal tool provides. For example, Bows domain at rank 1 is limited to Area 5 feet and Range 50 feet. However, when using a shortbow, the range is already 50 feet. So by wielding a bow, a character could use a rank 1 Bows domain out to 100 feet of range. Weapons and other tools have their own stats, so assume the following limitations unless noted otherwise:

Area: (1 + Dice)2 yards/meters
Damage/healing: 1 + 1 dice
Duration: (2 + dice - target's resistance rank, minimum 1). 1 = 1 round, 2 = 3 rounds, 3 = 1 minute, 4, = 3 minutes, 5 = 10 minutes, 6 = 30 minutes, 7 = 2 hours, 8 = 6 hours, 9 = 24 hours, 10 = 1 week, 11 = month, 12 = year, 13 = decade, 14 = century, 15 = millennia, 16+ = permanent.
Number of targets: (1 + Dice)2 (if affecting specific targets instead of area)
Range: Area x 10 x dice
Virility: 1 + dice is the number of successes needed to resist to end the effect. Only one resistance roll can be attempted every interval. An interval is 1 round if the duration is 3 minutes or less or 1 minute if its 10 minutes or 30 minutes. If the duration is longer, the interval is always 1 time size smaller: permanent-->millennia-->century-->decade-->year-->month-->week-->day-->hour-->minute.
Weight Created: Rank2 x 2 lbs./1 kg for rare/precious substance, x10 for uncommon, x100 for common
Weight Moved: Rank2 x 20 lbs./10 kg for anything, x10 for uncommon, x100 for rare

Shortbow: +1 range
Longbow: +2 range
Battleaxe: +1 damage
Shortsword: +1 attack
Longsword: +1 attack, +1 damage
