The following Hindrances are inappropriate for Silhouettes:

The following are new Hindrances available in Silhouettes:

Corrupt (Minor)
Morals are just something at the end of a fairy tale to this character. They’re always looking for a chance to better their own position, and the shadier the method, the better. They’re prone to taking bribes, selling out their clients and friends, and skimming a little off the top whenever possible. Their Charisma takes a -2 penalty with anyone aware of their untrustworthiness, on top of any other problems their behavior is likely to generate.
In combination with Greedy, they can be bought by anyone for little more than the price of a cup of java.

Dark Secret (Minor/Major)
You have a dirty little secret… Well, maybe it’s not so little. You’ve done something terrible in the past, and are deathly afraid that the truth will come out and ruin you. The severity and consequences, should the secret be discovered, should be discussed between the player and GM.

Debt (Minor/Major)
You have taken out a loan from a disreputable sort. The good news: You start with more money. The bad news: They’ll be wanting to be paid back, with interest. As a Minor Hindrance, you start with 3 times the normal starting cash, but owe 6 times as much. As a Major Hindrance, you start with 5 times as much, but owe 10 times back.

Lech (Minor)
You have a hard time keeping your gun in its holster. You tend to pay an unhealthy amount of attention to whoever attracts you and have a hard time turning down requests for help if you think it might result in an “encounter”.
You’re more than a little sucker for a spectacular pair of gams or big blue ones, and as a result, you suffer -2 to resist Persuasion in Tests of Will or Social Conflicts with those you’re attracted to.

Lying Eyes (Minor)
You have a tough time telling a lie. While that might make you a swell person, it can complicate things when dealing with less savory elements. You suffer a -2 to all Intimidation and Persuasion rolls where you have to tell an untruth - even one of those tiny, white lies.
You also suffer a shameful inability to bluff when playing cards. You subtract 2 from Gambling rolls in any game of chance that involves bluffing.

Night Terrors (Major)
You don’t sleep well. In fact, the Land of Nod is a constant nightmare for you. You toss and turn like a demon doing the jitterbug and likely keep everyone within a dozen yards of you awake with your nightly torment. When you sleep for the night (or whenever, but no more than once a day), you must make a Spirit roll or suffer a level of Fatigue. Luckily for you, you recover that Fatigue the next time you bed down. Unluckily, you have to battle your nightmares all over again!
If the GM skips over long periods of time, such as during a trip, roll once instead of for each night that would have passed.

Shellshock (Minor)
You recover slowly from the shock and trauma of combat, whether due to a delicate nature or horrible memories of The Great War. You suffer a -2 to Spirit rolls to recover from being Shaken.