Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 660 lbs
Initiative Modifier: +0
Maneuver Modifier: +0
Top Speed: 1.5x land speed
Defense Bonus: +10
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 20
Size: Large
Armament: One of the following weapons configurations:

The HAAM (Hydraulically Assisted Armored Man) suit was originally designed to augment the work capacity of a laborer to reduce the requirement for excavators, bulldozers, cranes, and forklifts. The military potential was obvious.

The current version of the suit is powered by a variety of electric motors and myomeric polymer systems. The entire system runs on a miniaturized fusion generator that is rated for 6 months of continuous use without refueling.

A full set of environmental protective features are included. The suit is impervious to biological or chemical threats, provides protection from temperatures in excess of 1200 degrees C (2200 F) for up to four minutes, will provide a ‘shirtsleeve environment’ across a temperature range of -80 to 200 degrees C (-112 to 392 F) and is watertight to 100 meters. The life support system is good for six hours.

A variety of sensor systems are included – generation three night vision, thermal vision, and an integrated threat warning system that functions similarly to the AN/PPS-05 radar. A radio system equivalent to the AN/PRC-148 is also included. There is no inbuilt navigation system.

d20 Modern Rules: The HAAM suit grants the following benefits to its wearer: