Mk I Hazard Suit
Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: -
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: +8
Armor Penalty: -2
Speed: 30 ft
Weight: 4 lbs
A rubberized plastic overgarment, gloves, boot covers, and hood with integral layers of activated charcoal designed to protect against biological, chemical, and some forms of radiological contamination for up to six hours when combined with the
M50 NBC Mask.
d20 Modern Rules: When worn with the M50 NBC Mask, the Mk I Hazard Suit provides a +10 bonus on Fortitude saves against radiation, disease, chemicals, or poisons (airborne or contact only).
If a Mk I Hazard Suit takes 4 points of damage from ballistic, slashing, or piercing weapons, the benefits it provides are negated. If the suit has been exposed to some hazard, it must be decontaminated, taking 1 hour and requiring special chemicals and high-pressure water hoses.
Last edited by NowhereMan, June 12 2015 15:01:37. Open game article. You can edit it once you log in.