M1117 Guardian (AFV Configuration)
Crew: 3
Passengers: 1
Cargo: 600 lbs
Initiative Modifier: -2
Maneuver Modifier: -2
Top Speed: 110 (63 mph)
Defense: 8
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 40
Size: Huge
Armament: Mk 19 grenade launcher and M2-HB mounted in turret, Mk 48 machine gun mounted outside the gunner's hatch.

M1117 Guardian (APC Configuration)
Crew: 2
Passengers: 10
Cargo: 600 lbs
Initiative Modifier: -2
Maneuver Modifier: -2
Top Speed: 110 (63 mph)
Defense: 8
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 40
Size: Huge
Armament: M2-HB in cupola mount

The M1117 Guardian is the workhorse of the Morrow Project. It is a 4x4 armored car that comes in a number of different configurations. The above are the most common variants: a standard Armored Fighting Vehicle configuration and an Armored Personnel Carrier configuration.