Tabitha Al'Amara, Redguard Outrider, Seeker of Wisdom's Seven Pillars

    Race:    Human (Redguard)
    Age:     Late teens or early twenties
    Height:  5'5" (1.65m)
    Weight:  Approximately 132 lbs (60 kg)
    Hair:    Black (long and straight - often in a braid or ponytail)
    Eyes:    Ice Blue, almost white
    Skin:    Smooth & light, though heavily tanned

Tabitha, though perhaps a touch tall for a Redguard, is hardly tall in stature.  She moves with a fluid grace that speaks of both natural talent and training.  Her strength is best described as wiry and her build is relatively slight and rather unremarkable.  Though she has good muscle tone and a generally pleasing mix of features, Tabitha is not overly pretty.  Her physical presence could almost be described as ... forgettable.

Except for one thing.  Her eyes; the irises of Tabitha's eyes are light, ice-blue, bordering almost on white - a coloration almost unheard of in the peoples of the desert, which usually sport dark brown or black irises.  Also, the pupils of Tabitha's eyes are slightly enlarged and in the the right light - or lack thereof - they almost appear to shine of their own volition.  The effect, given her otherwise dusky features is quite striking - almost disconcerting.

She bears the ritual scars and tattooes of her people, including the dark lines under her eyes which help to dull the reflected sunlight off of the large desert expanses.  Her fingers show the marks and callouses of the use of the standard (curved) blades and double recurved composite bows that the Redguard are well-known for.

Tabitha has the rather disturbing habit of talking to animals.  What is perhaps more disturbing is those same animals appear to understand her and answer her back.  And while all of the Redguard are reputed to be peoples of the horse, rumored to be born with an innate understanding of equines, Tabitha takes that talent to a whole new level.