
ITEMCOST - pounds/shillings/penceCOST - US Dollars
Sword (acceptable)2/0/0$10
Sword (good)20/0/0$100
Sword (superb)100/0/0$500
Pistol (ordinary)2/0/0$10
Pistol (dueling)20/0/0$100
Pistol (rifled)80/0/0$400
Pistol (double-barreled)150/0/0$750
Pistol (ducks foot)50/0/0$250

Cost and Weight of Artillery
  Naval bronze guns cost $4,000 per ton. This includes the cost of carriage, tackle, and operating equipment. Naval gun carriages are heavier than those of land guns (they don’t have to be hauled around by horses); a broadside gun weighs 200 times the weight of the shot.
 A 12-pounder weighs about 1.25 tons and costs $5,000; a 24-pounder weighs about 2.5 tons and costs $10,000.   Swivel guns do not have wheeled carriages and are more lightly constructed. They weigh only 50 times the weight of the shot and cost $3 a pound. The heaviest swivels are 3-pounders.

Ammunition uses half the weight of the shot in powder for each firing. A 12-pounder needs six pounds of powder; a 3-pounder needs 1.5 pounds. The normal price for ammunition is $1 per pound for shot and $2 per pound for powder. This is subject to change; the price may go up scandalously if the Spaniards
are coming and you are known to be short.