Setting Information

This section of the wiki will contain a variety of information about the setting that may prove valuable to players as they create characters.

The Nexus of Dimensions

This is a place in the universe where the separation between this universe and another of universes and dimensions is very thin.  What does this mean?  Travel between dimensions and around the multiverse is easier.  There may be people who come here from different versions of Earth or from various dimensions that resemble heavens or hells.  One might find a dragon fighting a space cruiser.  It also means that these different dimensions and universes can more easily affect this region of space.  Magic is easier, and technology takes turns that are sometimes surprising.  Travel through hyperspace is easier and faster than in other places. This unique phenomenon is why the Emperor chose this particular place to establish his rule.  And in this unique place, figures rise who are larger than life, the stuff of legends.

The characters in the game should be just that, the stuff of legends.  They should have some special abilities, psychic powers, magic, be an extradimensional being or something new and creative that you think up.  We're not looking for godlike beings, but a "regular" person might wind up feeling left behind a bit in the game. The Nexus was set up the way it is to give players a lot of creative freedom in making their characters.

Notes of Technology

The game is science fiction fantasy, which means there is a mingling of technology and magic. Some characters will come from universes where only technology rules and some only magic and many will have a mix of both.

Melee Combat: In the Empire, there is a widespread use of personal shields.  These are usually belt mounted shield generators that protect against fast moving attacks. That means they block bullets and hand-held energy weapons.  Whether an energy weapon can harm someone in spite of their shield depends on the quality of the shield and the power of the weapon, but one of the things that has evolved because of this is the common use of high tech or magic-based melee weapons such as knives, swords, battle axes, etc., since they don't move fast enough to trigger a personal shield.

Specific Technologies and Artifacts

Groups and People


In this section of the wiki, feel free to post information about the place your character comes from or anything like that.

  1. Zamoz - The capitol world of the Empire and seat of power for Shadaaq, the Undying Emperor, as well as the location of his court. Many of his offspring live here, though some of them rule on one of the moons that orbit Zamoz.  The "moons" were all once worlds from other systems.  When they reached a certain level of technology and gained the attention of the Emperor, he would send his children to investigate and if it was decided that a particular world would add to the excellence of the Empire, the world would be tested and upon surviving the great test, would be conquered and brought into orbit.

    • Eldoria:The planet was a lush paradise of sprawling forests, filled with an incredible array of flora and fauna. But most fascinating of all were the ethereal psychic inhabitants, who lived in harmony with nature and have the ability to communicate with each other through thought. The planet is a wonder to behold, a true jewel of the galaxy. Once its people had been conquered, it was brought into orbit around Zamoz and is ruled by Shadaaq's son, Reginald, the Hunter.

    • Kupra: A planet that is a sort of mirror image of Zamoz, though not as large.  A curious sort of reverse version of the imperial palace exists here as well as a copy of the imperial family's symbol of power, a great labyrinth that can consume those who try to walk it, if they aren't ready or aren't of the blood.

    • Astria: The planet was a world of archipelagos of stunning beauty with elegant marble architecture that speaks to a rich cultural history of research, philosophy, and seafaring. The people of this world have mastered an elegant mix of magic and science that the Emperor greatly covets.  So far, though their world has been brought into orbit around Zamoz, but their mix of magic and technology has kept the Empire at bay, much to the frustration of Shadaaq.  Eventually, he will tire of waiting and destroy the planet rather than allow it to become a beacon of resistance, but that day is not today.

    • Sucephus: The planet was a barren wasteland, a vast expanse of desert that stretched as far as the eye could see. But hidden within the sands were a remarkable people, a race of lizard men who were renowned for their prowess in science and technology. Despite the harsh conditions of their world, the lizard men had developed remarkable innovations that allowed them to thrive in the unforgiving desert. Their cities were marvels of engineering, built to withstand the brutal climate and harness the planet's resources in ingenious ways. And their scientists were among the most brilliant in the galaxy, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and discovery to new heights. For the lizard men, their harsh world was both a challenge and an inspiration, driving them to reach for greatness in all they did.

  2. Inoas - Is a rocky moon in an inhospitable system that has been hollowed out and its interior turned into a safe haven by the remnants of a world destroyed by the Empire. It is well hidden, difficult to find and said to be a garden paradise inside. The Imperial propaganda has spread the idea that Inoas is only a rumor.  It is the Nexus's 'lost city'... its fountain of youth.  But it might yet exist.

  3. Hannoc Station - A space station built inside a hollowed out asteroid, lost in a dense nebula.  It is a den of pirates, raiders, outlaws and smugglers.  It's a rough place, created by refugees and one of the only free ports left in this region of space. The Empire ignores it for the time being because it is useful to Imperial propaganda to have a bogeyman to point to from time to time and so far it has not caused enough trouble to make destroying it worthwhile.

  4. Molnvard - A world shielded from the Empire by the long influence of a Planeswalker in exile.  It's a bit of a colony of artists, scientists and philosophers.  If you click, there's an image.

  5. Ethoria - Ethoria is a sprawling and diverse world, with various regions that boast unique landscapes and cultures. From bustling steampunk cities to mystical forest enclaves and floating sky islands, every corner of Ethoria has its own mysteries and secrets waiting to be unraveled.

  6. Gorillia - A hidden world of peaceful gorillas.

  7. The School of Imperial Conditioning - Located in a desolate mountain range on Kupra.

  8. The Rust-Free Garage

  9. Leda III - A Destroyed World

  10. Starbright Archipelago - a cluster of stars

  11. The Celestia Marina - the trade heart of the Starbright Archipelago.

  12. Luminalis - Including Lustra Landing and the Ecliptic Station (aka the Twilight Terminal.)

  13. The Guardian Constellations of Luminalis - Somewhere between a collection of stars and gods.