The Absolute Basics


- Every character MUST possess the Living Legend merit with a fairy tale character approved by the ST(Amy) - it is free for you!
- Every character will be a Changeling. They may be a Kithain, Gallain, Nunnehi/Menehune or even a Thallain with ST approval (seriously, I'm allowing a *lot* of leeway here)
- Kiths from following books will be considered potentially available for play: C20, C20 Player's Guide, C20 Kiths of Arcadia
- Other Kiths from other sources may be considered available only if approved by the ST first.

What Counts as a "Fairy Tale" Character Anyway?

 I admit, even in terms of linguistics and literature, the definition can be very very broad. To keep heads from exploding there are a few ground rules involved.

 - The character must be considered fair use (ie. too old to be copyrighted.)
 - The character must be recognizable from a fictional story of some kind.

What IS NOT a "Fairy Tale" Character

 Come to me trying to pitch a concept with any of these criteria and you will get sent back to the drawing board. Seriously.

 - A copyrighted character ( Disney's Version of Cinderella or Pinnochio are *not* ok, version based on the original stories are fine)
 - Anything created/written after 1812 (No Peter Pan, No Alice In Wonderland, No Frankenstein, No Wizard of Oz)
 - No Gods/Demi-gods/Mythic Figures ( No Hercules, No Bauldur, No Bastet, No King Arthur, No Coyote)
 - No Real People, even if they've become somewhat legendary. (No Elizabeth Bathory, No Dracula)