
  Narwell is farther from the Pomarj than Safeton, and this city of around 5,000 souls has a different atmosphere.  It is less compacted than Safeton, with more open space and bordering into farmlands. It is not yet fully walled (building is in progress).  While Safeton is brute force and strength, Narwell is a subtler, wilier kind of city. It has evil folk aplenty, but they tend to be thieves and bandits rather than the brutish men of Safeton.  Law here is not as strict as in Safeton; there is conscription, for example, but no curfews.

Aldo the Wine Seller - Ageon
Bills Fruit Shop - Sylarin
Blossomheath Chandlery - Ageon
Blue Dragon Inn
Bohorts - Sylarin
Caedmons Candle Shop - Llewen
Chapel of Beory
Chapel of Ehlonna
Chapel of St Cuthbert - Llewen, Roburt
St Cuthbert has a presence in Narwell among the human residents and a small chapel to service their community.
Chapel of Obad-Hai - Gundren
Cleos Second Hand - Allean
Cocks and Crowns - Anaras
Dew Drop Inn - Wilfred
Estate of Baron Janstin
Narwell is jointly administered by the self-styled Baron Janstin of Narwell and Captain Ruberis Nenshen, brother of Org Nenshen of Greyhawk
Farmers Market - Reahlyn 
Forges Home Goods - Wilfred
Fortrans Blue House - Sylarin
Gaernoths Tavern - Anaras
Greyhawk Militia
The Greyhawk militia who patrol the Gnarley have three bases including the Narwell garrison.
Highfolk Soup - Sylarin
Hock and Shop - Shadrach
Jeejonns Gewjaws - Ageon
Klaus Brauhaus - Llewen
Leos Leather Emporium Allean
Lils - Astrid
Martas Melons - Ageon
Mothers Bread - Llewen
Myhriss Shrine - Astrid
Narwell Militia
Captain Ruberis
Olegs Inn - Astrid
Orlecks Chirurgery and Clinic - Reahlyn
Sallys Sundries - Shadrach
Shaft and Feather - Gundren
Shamus Smithery and Workshop - Shadrach
Sleeping Dog Inn - Ageon
South Street Market - Astrid
The Blue Rider - Nuke
The Comrades in Arms - Vocifer
The Crusty Toad Pub - Astrid
The Docking Hole - Reahlyn
The Granite Pestle - Gundren
The Ironhelm Bathhouse - Anaras
The Ironworks Inn - Anaras
The Outpost - Sylarin
The Pickery - Shadrach
The Ten Foot Pole - Pullo
The Wayfarer - Llewen
Warmaidens Lazzoran
Wilhelms Wagons - Lazzoran

Wild Coast