Ulric is the god of war, wolves and winter. War to an Ulrican is a contest of primal strength and power - he respects courage and strength, not stratagem and guile.

Ulric has long been an important god in the Empire, since before the Empire existed, in fact. He was the chief god of the Unberogen tribe from which Sigmar sprang. Sigmar himself was a worshipper of Ulric, and it was the High Priest of Ulric who officiated as his coronation. The Ar-Ulric, based in Middenheim, is still an important figure today, and is one of the imperial electors. The fact that the Sigmarite church has three electors, compared to the Ulricans' one, is a cause of some dissatisfaction, however - with some Ulricans resenting the preeminence of the Sigmarites.

Ulric's worship is strongest in the north, but warlike people worship him all over. The centre of the chuch is Middenheim, probably the only city in the Empire where one could find more temples and shrines to Ulric than to Sigmar.


His most common symbol is the wolf, and followers of Ulric often wear wolf-head medallions.


  1. Obey your betters.
  2. Defend your honour, whenever it is challenged.
  3. Stand honest and true. Deception and trickery is not the way of Ulric.
  4. Wolf-skin may only be used on clothing if you have killed the wolf yourself, using only the weapons provided by nature: hand-crafted bows, spears carved from long sticks, and the like.
  5. Gunpowder weapons, explosives, incendiaries and crossbows bring no glory to their wielder. Use them if you must, but all other types of weapons and armour are preferred.
  6. The fires in temples and shrines to Ulric must never be allowed to go out; it is said that if any do so, the next winter will last a full year.