From a housewife in Nivakta's Crossing: "There's gremlins and kobolds and all sorts of monsters out in the hills. Michal's a hunter, see; he hasn't seen them himself, but he usually goes north. Some of the others that like to go west towards the forest have seen the little rascals. No one's done that for a while though, with the bandits getting so uppity. If you're here to tame the Kamelands, you could start by getting rid of those monsters! Nasty little things. Almost as bad as the bandits! At least kobolds don't kill people usually, just steal our sheep. Gremlins, though, yuck. Nana always put out a bowl of milk for the little folk, but... that's for pixies. I don't think gremlins care about milk quite so much. At least they never come too close to town, anyway."

A bridge old Davik once had made, down south on the Shrike below the cascade. He charged the toll for shepherd or knave, but the bandits said they wouldn't pay. They burned his house and killed his hounds, they cut the bridge and left Davik to drown. But no thief could build the bridge once more: for in the dark of night, old Davik crawls back on the shore. From the bandits that him they slew, old Davik now demands his due. Of old Davik's bridge, just one rope yet stands. But the toll is no coin struck by mortal hands. Heed this tale and listen well, or Davik's spear shall be your knell.

The drunkard trapper Breeg Orlivanch been missing for almost a month now. Sure, sometimes he stays out for a long time watching his traps, but never this long, and his daughter's worried about him, Erastil alone knows why. Maybe young Miss Orlivanch is just worried that he might come back. If Breeg made it south of the road, either he got caught by something, or someone, or more likely he joined that bandit gang that's hassling Oleg.

The bridge several miles south of the bandit camp is too weak for more than one person at a time, and much too weak for horses. You'll have to be careful, or you'll get dumped in the river.

Weird stuff keeps happening in an area north of the Thorn River camp, but Charlie never found out the details.

One of other bandits had a lucky rock that he insisted was gold, or at least gold ore, which he'd found to the southeast of the bandit camp. Probably just fools' gold, though: Petey was certainly a fool.

Old Bokken is a real hermit, lives in a little hut on the plains about a day's ride southeast of Oleg's trading post. He spends his time making elixirs mostly, and sells 'em to Oleg to sell on to the trappers, but Oleg hasn't heard from him in a few weeks.