Skill Specialization

Certain skills in the setting have specialization. A character chooses one particular use of that skill to roll normally, and subtracts 2 from the total when using it in any other way.

Gaining an additional specialization counts as raising a skill below its linked Attribute. So a character can gain two new specializations with an Advance, or mix and match to gain a specialization and increase a skill below its linked Attribute.

AcademicsAnthropology, Psychology, Liberal Arts.
BoatingMorrow Project, [Specific Vehicles].
Common Knowledge[Specific Former Career]
DrivingMorrow Project, [Specific Vehicles].
ElectronicsExplosives, Sensors, Scientific Equipment.
FightingUnarmed, Short Blade, [Specific Weapons].
HealingTrauma, Pharmacology, Surgery.
PilotingMorrow Project, [Specific Vehicles].
PsionicsEntropkinesis, Extra-Sensory Perception, Telepathy, Reform, Telekinesis, Teleportation.
ScienceBiology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geography.
ShootingSmall Arms, Heavy Weapons, Artillery.
SurvivalArctic, Desert, Temperate.