Smartclothes can alter their fit, style, and color in a variety of ways, as well as providing personal-computer and HUD functions, visual enhancements (IR, UV, Low-Light, Magnification, and Flash Suppression), personal and environmental monitoring, communications, and limited life support (12 hours of air, comfortable from arctic to tropical desert temperatures, limited space-survival functions). They do not restrict movement but, sadly, usually count as three gadgets - one for the protective functions, one for the computer functions, and one for the sensory enhancements.

Smartclothes Bonuses:
Standard CivilianStandard MilitarySpecial Forces
Armor Bonus+2+4+6
Damage Reduction2/-4/-6/-
Energy Resistance246
Skill Bonus+2+4+6
Unarmed Damage-+2+4
Save Bonus+2+4+4

The Skill Bonus applies to Climb, Disguise, Listen, Spot, Stealth, and Swim checks.
The Save Bonus applies to sensory overloads, stabilizing while dying, and chemical exposure.
The Smartlink bonus applies to link-equipped ranged weaponry. Most modern small arms can be so equipped.

Smartclothes can be fitted with additional systems, each such system counts as an additional gadget:

Smartclothes Additional Armor
Armor TypeAC BonusMax Dex BonusArmor Check Mod
Light Plating+1+5-1
Medium Plating+2+4-2
Heavy Plating+3+3-3
Superheavy Plating+4+2-4

For reference, new skill:
Gadgetry (Dex, Untrained): Allows a character to keep (skill level) small devices of the appropriate type in good working order.
Note: A common skill for alchemists, gadgeteers, ninja, and similar types.

NOTE: The PCs for Dragonstar are being provided the basic Civilian suit versions.