Charter - Greyhawk Adventuring Company

To all who shall see these presents, Greetings,

Upon this parchment, by solemn oath and mark, WE, the undersigned hold ourselves to the following Charter.

Greyhawk Adventuring Company shall be the name of the adventuring party.

Further, we agree to the bylaws, as described below ...

I.  Charter members of the Greyhawk Adventuring Company — hereafter referred to as the Company — are to be afforded one vote when such things are called for.

II.  Charter members are added to — or removed from — the Company by unanimous vote.  If a vote is called for removal, the member in question receives no vote, but has the right to address the group before such votes are cast.

III.  Each charter member shall receive one share of Company profits.

IV.  One full share of Company profits shall be set aside for expenditures deemed as suitable for Company business.  A majority vote of charter members determines suitability for allocation of party funds.

V. Henchmen shall shall be added / removed by unanimous vote.  Henchmen receive one-half share as if they were members ... but they may not cast votes on company business.

VI. Hirelings are considered to be the responsibility of the charter member that hired them.  They neither receive shares of profits, nor cast votes regarding Company business.

VII. Enchanted arms, armor, & implements, etc. shall be awarded to the member who hath the greatest use for it, as decided by a majority decision.  If the majority can reach no consensus, let those who want said item cast lots for it.

VIII. No item shall be destroyed, or sold to market, without first being offered for sale to another member of the company.  The fair cost of half its value, will be assessed.

IX. The Company shall not accept any contract without the approval of a majority of the fellows.

X. Any member of the Company may propose a mission of conscience to the fellowship, so long as it does not violate a contract. Said mission must be approved by the majority of fellows, and may also be terminated by a majority. All treasures gained in said mission shall be shared as per normal.

XI. A fellow who falls in the line of duty shall be accorded the following consideration: Immediate aid to injuries if possible, a proper burial & treasure distributed to the member’s kin if not.  If Fate allows, the company shall put forth the coin for a ritual of resurrection.

XII. These by-laws are subject to change pending the approval of the majority of the Company’s Fellows.

Agreement signed:
Taya: Chapter 7: Caverns of Thracia Take 2, msg #52
Jori Lenwa: Chapter 7: Caverns of Thracia Take 2, msg #65
Aleksandyr msg #69
Dimitri msg #77
Vanorin msg #81