Steed is a catch-all term to refer to mythical quadrupeds such as chimera, dragons, griffins, hippocampusi, hippogriffs, kathlins, longmas (dragon horses), manticores, nue, pegasi, qilin, sharabha, snow lions, sphynxes, unicorns, winter wolves, worgs, yali, and so forth. Some of these creatures normally have animalistic intelligence, but through magic have attained sapience.

Steeds in the wild typically live solo or in small flocks of their own kind. Those that live among humanoids often serve as bodyguards and mounts for wealthy or famous individuals.

Steeds are not animals and possess human or super-human intelligence.

Some steeds don't mind carrying their smaller, weaker, and slower allies while others may be hesitant to the idea. It's not uncommon for steeds to be enslaved to evil warlords and emperors as well.

Abilities: +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Dex, -2 Int
Types (7 RP): Steeds are large magical beasts. They don't have hands but each can use their mouth as a hand and can use their feet and tail for somatic components. They have triple normal carrying capacity, +10 feet to their base speed, and a +4 racial bonus to CMD against bull rush, drag, reposition, trip, and any other effect that attempts to forcibly move them due to being both large and quadrupedal.
Speed: Land 50 feet (includes size and type bonuses)
Senses (3 RP): Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision
Languages: Steeds speak Sylvan. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose any language it wants (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Most steeds refuse to speak in the presence of humanoids due to cultural norms and xenophobia, leading many to believe they are without language, but this is a common misconception.
Polymorphism (6 RP): Each steed is unique beginning with 6 RP worth of additional traits.

You can take this a second time giving you gaining lay on hands as a paladin if you are good-aligned or lawful neutral or touch of corruption as an antipaladin if you are evil-aligned or chaotic neutral. Your effective paladin/antipaladin level is one-fourth your level in all other classes + actual paladin/antipaladin level (min = 1). Each additional time you take this you increase your effective paladin/antipaladin level by 2 (max = HD) and gain a mercy/cruelty.
[*] Wild Empathy (2 RP): You gain Skill Focus (Handle Animal) as a racial feat. If you gain this feat from another source, you get a +2 racial bonus to Handle Animal checks instead. This otherwise replaces the Druid's Wild Empathy ability since anyone can use Handle Animal to do what that ability does.

COMPANION (1 RP): If you gain the Animal Companion, Special Mount, or similar ability that grants you such a companion, you can take a humanoid companion rather than an animal or magical beast. They gain all the normal adjustments of the ability except anything that involves the Ride skill, which you gain instead.

MOUNT TRAINING (4 RP): Any creature that rides you is granted the Mounted Combat feat while doing so and you are treated as having the Mounted Combat feat for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites for feats. Any feats you take that have Mounted Combat or ranks in Ride as a prerequisite are granted to your rider as well but only for the purposes of riding you and not other creatures and only while within reach of you. In addition, you can also make Ride checks to keep your rider from falling off, keep an attacker from hitting your rider, and to get your rider to take actions like attack, block, dismount, mount, etc. as if you were the rider and had these feats.