Long ago, the ancient necromancer founded a nation of the dead. He went by many names: the immortal ghost king, the tyrant lich, the crowned corpse, bone lord, etc. His infamy was not enough. He built his castle, the Necropolis, upon a mighty cliff face and his dark magic infused the very land itself with necrotic energy. The territory stretches many leagues and is now called the Deadlands. Any creature that dies within the borders of the Deadlands rises as an undead, magically compelled to be loyal to the ruler of the Necropolis. Though the Ghost King once tried to spread his corruption across the world, a group of sapient undead betrayed and usurped him, striking a bargain with the living to respect the borders of the Deadlands as a nation. This tenuous peace has held for centuries.

Undeath has always been a dangerous and unpredictable state. Most are broken creatures that are not truly alive. Revenants, however, are undead that have sustained lifeforce and remain free-willed. Such stabilization of necrotic magic is rare and highly sought-after by necromancers as well as anyone seeking shortcuts to immortality. Many revenants are old having once fought for the ghost king and are now loyal to the Council of Bones, who have replaced their initial creator. However, given the pact's terms, the living are allowed to enter the Deadlands to escape the finality of death and join the ranks of the undead as a loyal subject. However, this comes with a price: magically compulsive loyalty to the Deadlands and its inhabitants.

Revenant Racial Traits (RP 12)

Abilities (2 RP): +2 Con, +2 Cha (add -2 Str, +2 Dex if small or vice versa if large)

Types: Revenants are medium, large, or small humanoids with the revenant subtype. Some are Large-sized gaining an additional +2 Str, -2 Dex, and increased carrying capacity, reach, and weapon damage for 7 more RP (19 total).

Languages: Revenants speak Common. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose any language it wants (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Speed (-2 RP): Land 20 feet

Senses (3 RP): Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision

Revenant Subtype (4 RP): Creatures with the revenant subtype can be treated as undead or their actual type for the purposes of feat prerequisites and all other effects, as determined by the effect's creator. They have a +2 innate bonus to saves against any effect that undead are immune to.

Self-sustaining (5 RP): Revenants don't need to eat, breathe, or sleep, but still go into a meditative trance for 2 hours a day to recover. This functions as the No Breath trait and a Ring of Sustenance.

Revenant Variations

Ghostly: You are incorporeal and insubstantial. An insubstantial creature that attempts to affect corporeal creatures in any way suffers the same difficulties as a corporeal creature attempting to affect an incorporeal creature (ex. can't touch them, can't hurt them without magic, half damage, etc.). If affected by any other effect that makes you incorporeal or ethereal, you cease to be insubstantial for the duration. You can attune to a magic item by sharing a space with it for 24 hours. Attunement lasts for up to 1 week plus 1 additional week per year you've been attuned, but you can always attune to a previously attuned item again if needed. While you are attuned, to it the item becomes a ghost touch item when you pick it up, carry it, or otherwise interact with it but returns to normal as soon as it leaves your reach.

Ghoulish: You gain a bite attack but also take the Undead Hunger flaw must eat just like a living creature. You are carnivorous and, due to being undead, can eat rotten meat just fine.

Vampiric: You get +2 Dex instead of +2 Con and cosmetically appear to be a living creature save for minor tells such as pale skin, no bodily warmth, and sharper features. A Heal or Knowledge (religion) check against DC15 + your Disguise bonus is needed to reveal your true nature. You have the Undead Hunger and Sunlight Vulnerability flaws and must consume blood and avoid the sun to survive. You also gain Charm Person and Spider Climb (Self Only) as spell-like abilities.