A goblin is a small, grotesque, monstrous humanoid known for living in dark places such as burrows, caves, forests, etc. They are ascribed conflicting abilities, temperaments, and appearances depending on the story and country of origin, ranging from mischievous household spirits to malicious, bestial thieves. They often have magical abilities similar to a fairy or demon, such as the ability to shapeshift.

Goblin Racial Traits (RP 7)

Abilities: +2 Cha, +2 Dex, -2 Str

Types: Goblins are small humanoids with the Goblin subtype.

Languages: Goblins speak Common and Goblin. Bonus languages include Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Ignan, Orcish, Sylvan, and Undercommon.

Senses (3 RP): Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision

Speeds: Land 30 feet

Goblin Subtype (2 RP): Goblins begin play with the Tricky Step feat as an innate feat. If they gain this feat from another source, they gain Vanish as a spell-like ability instead.

Natural Attacks (2 RP): Goblins have a bite attack dealing 1d4 piercing damage and two claw attacks each dealing 1d4 slashing damage. If they gain these natural weapons from class features, they gain Improved Natural Attack feat for these natural weapons instead.

Goblin Variants

Hobgoblin: Hobgoblins are medium-sized and get +2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Cha instead of the normal attribute adjustments.


Hobgoblins are friendly trickster goblins from English, Scottish, and Pilgrim folklore and literature.[2]
Prerequisites: Goblin, must be taken at 1st level
Benefit: You are tiny instead of small and have a lot of fur and a tail. You also gain a cantrip of your choice as a spell-like ability.

A redcap is a type of goblin who dyes its hat in human blood in Anglo-Scottish border folklore.
Prerequisites: Goblin
Benefit: You can attune to an article of clothing, usually a hat called a redcap. While attuned to the redcap, you can dip it in the blood of a dying or recently deceased creature and gain the effects as if you had cast deathknell upon them.

The Erlking is a malevolent goblin from German legend.
Prerequisites: Goblin, must be taken at 1st level
Benefit: You are medium instead of small. You have advantage on checks to calm, command, mount, and ride beasts.

The trasgu is a Northern Spanish and Northern Portuguese mythological creature of Celtic and Roman origin.

A pukwudgie is a type of goblin from Wamponoag folklore.

The muki is a pale goblin who lives in caves in the Andes in Quechuan folklore.

In South Korea, goblins, known as dokkaebi (도깨비), are important creatures in folklore, where they reward good people and punish the evil, playing tricks on them.

In Bangladesh, Santal people believe in gudrobonga which is very similar to goblins.

In South African mythology, the tokoloshe (or tikoloshe or tikoloshi) is a dwarf-like creatures similar to a goblin.